
Thursday, August 26, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) 12 MDC-T councillors suspended

12 MDC-T councillors suspended
By: TH.
Posted: Thursday, August 26, 2010 6:12 am

GOVERNMENT has suspended five MDC-T councillors from Rusape Town Council on allegations of mismanagement. This brings to 12 the number of councillors suspended inside two days.

On Tuesday seven Harare MDC-T councillors were suspended on allegations of illegally evicting widows and orphans from council houses with the intention of converting them to their own use.

Three more MDC-T councillors from Bindura — including Mayor Daniso Wakatama — are also on suspension over alleged corruption. Former MDC-T Chitungwiza mayor Israel Marange and two councillors were fired for corruption. Local Government, Rural and Urban Development Minister Ignatius Chombo yesterday announced the suspension of Rusape chairman, identified as Clr Gomana, and four other councillors — Pambureni, Chifomboti, Mberikunashe and Chipere.

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He said Government’s intervention was aimed at safeguarding service delivery, protecting public interest, promoting investment in local authorities and ensuring adherence to the 30:70 percent staff costs and service delivery ratio.

A resuscitation team headed by a Mr E.S. Nyagwaya was immediately appointed to bring sanity and service delivery to Rusape.

The team should restore functionality, implement recommendations of the investigation team and oversee disciplinary action against the acting town clerk. The team will conclude all disciplinary cases and hire suitable personnel to replace those dismissed.

They are also expected to evaluate how much council lost in unapproved allowances and packages and how the funds can be recovered.

For Bindura, Minister Chombo appointed a board "to inquire into criminal abuse of office by councillors".

Harare lawyer Mr Pisirayi Kwenda heads the board and will be assisted by the director for urban local authorities, Mr Madzudzo Pawadyira. A resuscitation team headed by Mr Gregory Bizeki is already on the ground.

Mr Bizeki’s terms of reference are similar to those for Rusape.

For Harare, Minister Chombo reversed all council resolutions prioritising allocation of council residential accommodation and residential stands to councillors.

He said all those evicted from council-owned houses should resume occupation of the properties immediately. The minister rescinded a resolution allowing conversion of council houses into institutional accommodation reserved for council employees alone.

He instructed town clerk Dr Tendai Mahachi to institute disciplinary action against six city officials named in the investigation report.

Minister Chombo said following the collapse of systems in the city’s housing department, an audit of its operations should be conducted.

Dr Mahachi yesterday said he was still waiting for a Government report detailing the officials’ alleged participation in the housing scandal. He said: "Once I get the report we will institute our own process."

The seven are Sulas Machetu (Ward 25, Highfield), Peter Marange (Ward 29, Glen Norah), Johnson Zaranyika (Ward 39, Dzivaresekwa), Paul Gorekore (Ward 3, Mbare), Maxwell Katsande (Ward 26, Highfield) and Herbert Gomba (Ward 27, Glen Norah) and Job Mbadzi (Ward 24, Highfield).

Minister Chombo is by law expected to commence the hearing process within the next 45 days.

However, in an interview on Tuesday, the minister said the hearings should be complete next week to avoid "building up unnecessary tension". When the scandal broke out Mayor Muchadeyi Masunda described the councillors’ actions as "wrong and immoral".

Mr Andrew Makoni chaired the board that investigated Harare.

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