
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) President Mugabe's full Heroes Day speech

President Mugabe's full Heroes Day speech
Posted: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 1:39 am

BELOW is the full text of the address by President Mugabe, on the commemoration of Heroes Day at the National Heroes Acre yesterday.

Fellow countrymen, once again, we gather here today at the National Heroes Acre, even as we acknowledge similar gatherings that are taking place at other various shrines throughout our country, all exhorting us as a nation, to pause and reflect on the selfless and supreme acts of heroism which won back our country.

This occasion bids us to dig deep into our innermost selves and ask whether we still accord the right measure of reverence to those who fought to reclaim our land from racist settler colonialism and its vices.

All of these people, some known, others symbolised by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, fully deserve our gratitude always.

They include the war veterans, detainees, restrictees, collaborators and unnamed others who were brought together by the burning desire to contribute to the fight for our freedom.

And on 18th of April 1980, our Zimbabwe was born.

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