
Sunday, August 08, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai happy with hefty council salaries

Tsvangirai happy with hefty council salaries
Posted: Saturday, August 7, 2010 5:41 am

PRIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai is comfortable with the hefty salaries being paid to senior staff at the Town House. This was revealed by Harare Mayor Mr Muchadeyi Masunda following a meeting with a team from the PM’s Office on Tuesday. The officials are believed to be earning as much as US$15 000 a month.

This has seen Government appointing a team led by Local Government, Rural and Urban Development Deputy Minister Sessel Zvidzai to look into staff remuneration in all municipalities.

Mr Masunda told the Herald newspaper that he had met with the PM's team who were happy with the packages.

He was quoted as saying: "I had a session with the Prime Minister’s team and when I showed them the figures, they did not express discomfort."

Mr Masunda added: "It was an official meeting for me to give them updates. I meet with relevant ministerial offices including the Prime Minister’s and I give them updates on what we are doing especially when there are topical issues."

The PM’s Secretary, Mr Ian Makone, yesterday initially professed ignorance about the meeting, but when told that Mr Masunda had already confirmed it to The Herald, he said: "Yes I can confirm we had a briefing with him, but I cannot go further."

The City of Harare is battling to pay its workers their July salaries.

"We still have not been paid our salaries. We should have been paid by July 28.

"We are going to the Heroes holiday without our salaries," an employee told The Herald yesterday.

On Thursday, Mr Zvidzai met Mayor Masunda and discussed compliance with a Cabinet directive to reduce salaries and allowances of senior council employees.

The deputy minister summoned the mayor for publicly declaring he was not going to reduce the salaries insisting it was like "walking into a legal minefield".

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