
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai shaken by Welshman's ambitions

Tsvangirai shaken by Welshman's ambitions
By: Our reporter
Posted: Wednesday, August 4, 2010 4:05 am

MDC-T President Morgan Tsvangirai has been shaken by Mr Welshman Ncube's desire to lead the other formation of the MDC. Shaken by the waning popularity of his formation in Matabeleland, Mr Tsvangirai took his campaign to the oldest township in Bulawayo, Makokoba, where he attacked Mr Ncube.

Mr Tsvangirai accused Mr Ncube of not "coming out in the open before the 2005 split that he wanted to be president".

Mr Tsvangirai also did the same when he was the leader of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions. Asked at the end of 1998, at the University of Zimbabwe, whether he had presidential ambitions, Mr Tsvangirai said he was a labour leader and had no political aspirations.

Barely a year later, Mr Tsvangirai, formed the Movement for Democratic Change.

The MDC-T leader said Makokoba residents should support deputy MDC-T leader Thokozani Khupe and not Mr Ncube.

The MDC-T leader has been blamed for appointing token leaders from Matabeleland. Recently he fired Thamsanqa Mahlangu who was Deputy Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment. He is from Matabeleland.

Mr Tsvangirai also demoted Mr Gorden Moyo who was the Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office. He is now Minister of Parastatals and State Enterprises.

Mr Ncube led the breakaway from the main party led by Tsvangirai in 2005.

Tsvangirai said it would have been better for Ncube to openly declare that his ultimate goal was to be MDC president.

“As we prepare our roadmap towards elections, some people will approach the constituency asking you to join their parties,” Mr Tsvangirai said.

He also attacked a revived Zapu party: “We have Zapu and the other MDC. I now hear that Ncube, who was beaten by (MDC-T vice president) Thokozani Khupe for the MP post, now wants to be president of MDC-M.

“Instead of hiring someone as he did with (MDC-M president Arthur) Mutambara, he now wants the post himself. It was better for him to come out in the open and say I want to be MDC president” said Tsvangirai, amid laughter from his audience.

Tsvangirai said people were wise and could not be easily fooled. He said his party was crafting a detailed strategy towards elections to avoid the repeat of the 2008 election.

“A roadmap towards the next election is being crafted. As MDC, we do not want a repeat of 2008 but a clear victory. I urge you to register for the elections” he said.

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