
Thursday, August 05, 2010

Thieves are rejoicing under Rupiah – Sata

Thieves are rejoicing under Rupiah – Sata
By George Chellah
Thu 05 Aug. 2010, 04:02 CAT

PF leader Michael Sata yesterday said thieves are now rejoicing under President Rupiah Banda’s leadership. Featuring on a Radio Phoenix special programme yesterday, Sata accused Vice-President George Kunda of double standards.

“I sympathise with Rupiah Banda because he has a man who has double standards. It is the same George Kunda who advised Levy Mwanawasa as Minister of Justice… ‘yes we have a case against Frederick Chiluba’. It’s the same Kunda who spent months in England fighting for the London judgment against Chiluba,” Sata said.

“Today it is the same Kunda who advised Mwanawasa ‘don’t sell Zamtel’ and today it is the same Kunda who tells Rupiah Banda ‘no, no, no! tizakonza tiyeni tukakakule’ balemba judgment ati Chiluba is acquitted iwe Mchenga don’t appeal. Takuli ifya appeal iyo so bakabolala yangeni nama docket bashika fyonse na evidence baocha (We will repair the damage, let’s just release him Chiluba. They wrote a judgment that Chiluba should be acquitted and stopped Director of Public Prosecutions Chalwe Mchenga from appealing against the acquittal. There is no appeal so all thieves must rejoice. They buried dockets and burned all the evidence),”

Sata said politicians should not take Zambians for granted.

“I know what’s required in Chifubu and what’s required in Ndola and Zambia as a whole. It’s most unfortunate that our brother elected member of parliament for Chifubu was hoodwinked by Kunda himself to go to the NCC and defy the PF because Kunda thought that will be the end of PF. They have spent K350 billion on a useless document,” Sata said.

He urged President Banda and his ministers to point out what the government had done in Chifubu and not what the government intended to do.

“For example, the President telling us that next year we are going to build 100 schools. You don’t build schools like tents. Where are you going to build them? How are you going to allocate those schools because this country has 155 districts? What type of schools, are they going to be primary schools or are they going to be secondary schools?” Sata asked.

“So comrade Rupiah Banda don’t panic, tell us the truth. The problem is whatever his brother-in-law Dr Kenneth Kaunda built, Rupiah Banda is dismantling. Dr Kaunda built Indeni, Rupiah Banda dismantles it. Dr Kaunda built Zamtel, Rupiah Banda sell it.”

Sata said PF was a mature party, which would not engage in any violent activities in Chifubu.

“There has been tremendous provocation from the MMD, they insult us. They know we have outnumbered them, impendwa natubacila ngatwaebelefye ati tubemine kutitwabakupula nga makanta (We have outnumbered them, and if we rose against them we would wipe them out like locusts) but we don’t want. There will be no violence today or tomorrow I told the people of Chifubu that even if they insult you, insults won’t injure you,” he said.

Sata bemoaned the dilapidated infrastructure in Ndola. He said most industries in town were just housing rats and cockroaches.

“The Chinese and Indians are exporting concentrate, why are they exporting concentrate instead of sending that concentrate to Ndola? You remember Ndola was basking but where are they today, there is nothing in Ndola,” he said.

Sata said President Banda did not care about people’s no wonder the electricity tariffs had been increased.

Sata said if he wanted to be a member of parliament he would have been but he wanted to be a General to lead his organisation from the rear.

“…Not from the front like B.Y Mwila and Sakwiba Sikota,” he said.

Sata said once in power, PF plans to build a hospital and secondary school within every 10-kilometre radius with an exception of major townships.

“This country planning is very simple, what we don’t have twabula amalofwa yekayeka eyo twapela ubutungulushi. Ngamwabula amalofya eyo mwapela ubutungulushi echo balefwaya kulila mumatumba yabo (We get a bunch of loafers and give them leadership. Now if you give leadership to loafers, all they will do is fill up their pockets,” Sata said.

“In 2001, you asked me why have you left MMD. I told you that why I have left MMD ubufufuntungu bwacilamo (there is too much crookedness). When I went to MMD I had money. When I left, I had not stolen like those who stole US $20million. I fear God. Ubukakashi nalikwata nomba bukabolala bwena iyo (I’m aggressive but I’m not a thief).”

Sata expressed confidence that PF is winning the Chifubu parliamentary by-election.

“There is no losing in Chifubu. We don’t lose. In 2006, I did not lose the election. They stole my votes in 2006 but I have not stopped talking. Banda stole 35,000 votes in 2008, I have not stopped talking and even if Banda steals Chifubu, we will continue, aluta continua (the struggle continues),” he said.

Sata denied that his supporters blocked Vice-President Kunda’s motorcade.

“If at all George Kunda was blocked on Monday, that’s a traffic offence - obstruction. They PF cadres should have been picked on Monday. You don’t pick people in arrears. But this Rupiah Banda’s government, they always act in arrears to impress,” Sata said.

“There were more policemen on the route to Chifubu. We kept to our left George Kunda also kept to his left. There was no traffic jam, there was nothing.”
He said the police command in Ndola wanted to impress President Banda and ordered the arrest of PF members.

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