
Sunday, August 01, 2010

ZACCI rejects degree requirement for President

ZACCI rejects degree requirement for President
By Joe Kaunda
Sun 01 Aug. 2010, 04:05 CAT

ZAMBIA Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry has joined several parties in objecting the degree requirement as a minimum qualification required for one to run for presidency as proposed in the NCC draft constitution.

Submitting their comments, ZACCI chairman Hanson Sindowe has stated that his organisation felt the minimum of grade 12 was adequate contrary to the demands by the National Constitutional Conference (NCC).

“The requirement that a Presidential candidate must have obtained a minimum academic qualification of first degree or its equivalent from a recognised university or institution is not necessary. Since the President is also a member of parliament, the minimum academic qualification of grade twelve school certificate of education or its equivalent proposed for a member of parliament would also be adequate for a presidential candidate,” read the submission in part.

“In addition, it is the duty of the people to assess presidential candidates and choose who should lead them.”

Sindowe has also reaffirmed ZACCI’s support for the 50 per cent plus one system of electing the president as this would ensure a stable government elected popularly, supported and accepted by the citizenry.

“It is important that the President has the support of the people to run the country. Stability helps build confidence in the economy and is a necessary condition for an enabling environment to do business,” Sindowe stated.

On the swearing in of the President-elect, ZACCI has expressed concern about the current practise of assuming office immediately or not later than 24 hours after the declaration of the election results.

“There is need for a better mechanism with a handover period of at least one month to allow for security briefings and to help the President elect understand how government operates, choose his team and acclimatise to the news role,” the submissions further read adding; “ we support that the President be sworn in within 24 hours if he is a continuing President.”

The ZACCI chief have also called for the need to have the Vice-President should be a running mate as stated in the Mung’omba draft constitution. They explained that this ensured appropriate stability and security of succession in case anything happened to the President.

“Stability and predictability are necessary factors for development. It also removes the unnecessary expenses and disruptions occasioned by a Presidential by-election,” Sindowe submitted.

On the appointment of cabinet ministers, Sindowe submitted that ministers be appointed froim outside Parliament to ensure proper separation of powers among the wings of government.

He explained that this would enhance checks and balances and improve national governance.

“It will also prevent people from patronising the President to seek nominations as Members of Parliament and subsequent appointments as Ministers,” he stated and further called for the removal of the clause allowing nominated members of parliament.

ZACCI has also proposed that a political party maintains its seat when a parliamentary seat falls vacant and be allowed to provide a replacement except when the seat is held by an independent member of parliament.

“A member of parliament who resigns from a political party should not be eligible to stand in an election. This will maintain the balance of power in Parliament and help reduce costs incurred for holding unnecessary by-elections,” the submissions read.

On the requirements for councillorship, ZACCI proposed that a minimum education level of grade twelve school certificate and that the mayor be elected popularly by direct vote of the electorate.

“He/she should be an executive mayor with a longer term, such as five years, to enable him/her implement strategies. This will ensure stability and credibility of the councils, and will enhance decentralisation by giving power to the people to decide what they would like to see on the ground,” ZACCI submitted.

ZACCI has also proposed for a Federal System of government where provinces are run by Governors with full jurisdiction over affairs of the province. The proposal is aimed at enhancing decentralisation and allowing people to decide on how to govern themselves.

Sindowe noted that the current Constitution was not

“The NCC draft constitution as it is, is not any different from the current constitution therefore begs the question as to why it is necessary to review the constitution and enact a new constitution when a few amendments to the current constitution would suffice,” Sindowe observed.

“The expenses incurred by both the Mun’omba Constitution Review Commission (CRC) and the National Constitution Conference (NCC) will never be justified without any fundamental shifts that would help accelerate development.”

He noted that the lack of proper decentralisation through proper local governance that gave power to the people did retard development as people always waited for guidance and programmes from the central government.

ZACCI’s submissions are in line with the NCC’s call for comments on the current draft constitution.

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