
Sunday, September 05, 2010

A govt that can’t perform doesn’t deserve to be in power - Fr Miha

A govt that can’t perform doesn’t deserve to be in power - Fr Miha
By Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Sun 05 Sep. 2010, 04:39 CAT

MISSION Press director Fr Miha Drevensek has observed that a government that has failed to perform to the expectations of its people does not deserve to be in power.

And Fr Miha has asked President Rupiah Banda and the MMD government to take the London High Court judgment registration matter back to the courts so that former president Fredrick Chiluba pays back what he owes the people of Zambia.
In an interview on Friday, Fr Miha said the economic situation in Zambia was pathetic and it was time Zambians voted for people who could develop the country, unlike having corrupt leaders.

“The London judgment is a very simple matter, the government should take it back to court. People are not happy with the judgment. Look at George Kunda, he was the one advocating for the ‘jailing’ of Chiluba using the London judgment during late president Mwanawasa. What has changed now? He should tell the nation,” Fr Miha said.

“If George Kunda feels that his friend Chiluba is innocent, then he should pay back the money Chiluba stole from all Zambians because he Kunda and President Banda including the MMD government are busy supporting him.”

Fr Miha asked Zambians to vote wisely next year and put a government that would work and not steal from its people.

He said the MMD had not worked according to people’s expectations.
Fr Miha urged the people to wake up and vote for leaders who would revamp the country’s economy.

He said there was too much corruption in the country and there would be no meaningful development if the trend continued.
“What is happening in the MMD government is not good. There is no reason to insult donors. If you insult donors today, what happens if they close up and left Zambia? This is bad.

I urge those in government to be very careful with whatever they say in public,” said Fr Miha. “And the fight against corruption has been buried. Leaders are corrupt and they are enjoying it. People of Zambia, next year please vote wisely and put in power leaders who are not corrupt and vote for leaders who are going to respect you.”

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