
Monday, September 13, 2010

(HERALD) Great Al-Fatah Revolution: Process that emancipated Libyan oppressed

Great Al-Fatah Revolution: Process that emancipated Libyan oppressed

ON the first day of September 40 years ago, the world witnessed a momentous event that had clear effectuation throughout the history.

On this particular day, the struggle of the Libyan people, which had gone on for many decades, was gratified with the Al-Fatah Revolution that salvaged Libyan people and its territory from monarchical rule.

Its territories were dominated by foreign naval, air and land military bases and the Libyan people were living in abject poverty and overwhelming ignorance.

Nonetheless, since the first of September 1969 when the resplendent revolution came to light, all the conditions were diametrically changed and a strong movement towards freedom and emancipation from all sorts of restrictions had started to enliven the Libyan people.

At the beginning there was freedom from the monarchy regime, which was but just a mere puppet behind foreign Western embassies — the real sources of laws and instructions that were all for the interest of their own countries.

The land was also liberated from all foreign military bases, which belonged to the United States of America and Britain and posed a threat to all countries in the region.

All of these bases were driven out of the Libyan soil before the second year of the revolution.

During the era of the monarchy, there were some remains of the Italian community, the former colonial power in Libya.

This community controlled all sources of wealth in the country as all farms and fertile land, all the industries and manufacturing companies, as well as trade and shops, belonged to them.

On top of that, the Italian community was exercising racial discrimination against locals.

However, Italy has recently apologised for its colonisation of Libya and accepted to pay compensation for that particular period (a precedence for Africa).

This has resulted in concluding of friendship and co-operation agreements between the two countries and its first anniversary was just celebrated few days ago in Italy in the presence of the Brother Leader of the Revolution and the Italian Prime Minister.

In the face of all the suffering and difficulties endured by the Libyan people and its struggle, faithful individuals of the Libyan people in the army under the leadership of the Libyan Son, Muammar El-Gaddafi, pledged to change the ruling system of the monarchy regime and hand it over to the people.

Foreign military bases were driven out together with the remains of the Italian colonialists and the revolution was finally handed over to the Libyan masses.

The Libyan person was armed after he used to see those weapons only in the foreign military bases and in the hands of foreign forces.

Eventually the Libyan people acquired power, resources and armaments and shifted towards the construction of their country in all the fields of education science, economy, trade, agriculture and industry as well as establishment of an ideal person and equitable society and equality between men and women on all fields.

This was in addition to focusing on the needs of the disabled and disadvantaged while generally establishing a free and prosperous society.

After the liberation of Africa from direct colonisation, the leader of Revolution Brother Colonel Muammar El-Gaddafi has paid attention to safeguarding African sovereignty knowing that it cannot be accomplished unless it unites to form a United States of Africa, which will be more powerful in facing external threats and realising the prosperity of the African people by exploiting its resources for the benefit of its people and not the former colonial powers.

There is a strong determination from the Brother Leader to continue on this course up to the end until the realisation of African Unity, which is the splendour of Africa and its advancement as a huge power emulating other superpowers of the world.

The revolution focused on establishing an ideal person academically and intellectually before and after his birth by generalising education in all stages.

At present there is no one in Libya without access to education.

The Universities have expanded in each and every town in Libya and the private institutions have opened their doors beside the public ones.

It has also focused on infrasturactural development and linked all the cities and villages in the country with modern road networks extending to more than 30 000 kilometres.

There is no single house in Libya without electricity at the moment.

In August 1986, the revolution established the biggest ever water project with the construction of the Eighth Wonder of the World, "The Great Man Made River", which carries 6, 5 million cubic metres of water daily through pipeline network.

Each of the pipes in the network has a radius of 4 metres and a length of 7 metres, covering more than 10 000 kilometres right from the desert to all the cities and agricultural lands.

The quantity of cement used in making the pipes reached 7 million tonnes (i.e. a quantity sufficient to make a concrete road extending from Sirte in Libya to Mumbai in India).

The number of wells dug was 1 300 and the steel wires used in making the pipes were enough to be rolled around the earth 280 times.

The Libyan revolution strongly backed national revolution movements all over the world, particularly in Africa, by assisting with weapons, training and defending people’s rights in the international arena.

This has resulted in compelling the colonialists to unite against the revolution and try to blockade it by imposing sanctions and fighting it until their malevolence reached to the extent of attacking its leader through a Nato bombardment of his home, resulting in the killing of his adopted daughter. — Libyan Embassy in Harare.

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