
Friday, September 10, 2010

MMD cannot be trusted to respect the Constitution – Habasonda

MMD cannot be trusted to respect the Constitution – Habasonda
By Salim Dawood
Fri 10 Sep. 2010, 14:10 CAT

SOUTHERN African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) executive director Lee Habasonda has charged that there is no way the MMD be trusted to respect the republican constitution when the party cannot respect it's own party constitution. And Habaasonda has advised political parties to put in place cost-effective and democratic management plans to avoid costly by-elections.

Habaasonda was speaking in an interview with the Post Online to comment expelled MMD Kafulafuta member of parliament George Mpombo's statement that he had been expelled by an illegal body whose mandate had expired.

“The decisions that the MMD has taken on Mr. Mpombo and Honourable Ng’andu Magande may appear wise to their followers, it does actually undermine their own credentials as a democratic political party,” he said.

He said the timing of the expulsions of the two parliamentarians was aimed at paving way for President Rupiah Banda not to have credible opposition at the MMD Convention.

“Clearly these expulsions could have taken place long back if it was really about discipline or correcting the breach of party etiquette by the MMD leadership.
Now, if the body that expelled the two or the duo was not elected and call it illegal if you like, it becomes a source of concern for all Zambians because if the ruling party cannot follow their own constitution as well as internal rules and procedures to mate out discipline in the party, certainly there is no way they can respect the Republican Constitution,” he said.

“Seriously, if it’s true that the term of leadership has indeed expired they need to climb down and consider following a more democratic process to discipline, let alone expel, Honourable Mpombo and Honourable Magande,” he said.

He said it was unfortunate that that the ruling party saw it fit to create costly and unnecessary by-elections through the expulsions.

“Our view is that, in fact all political parties should put in place cost-effective and democratic conflict management structures which will not derail the whole country when they take a decision, therefore one would love to summarise by saying that it is very worrisome that the ruling party would want to take decisions and disrespect their own rules, that creates worry to people outside the MMD as to whether they can respect the Constitution and that has implications for them as a democratic project that the country would love to undertake,” he said.

“That is why we are saying they need to reconsider their position if there is really merit in expelling the two from parliament, they must go through a more legitimate and acceptable process.”

Last Saturday, the MMD expelled Mpombo and his Chilanga MP, Ng'andu Magande counterpart for breaching party regulations and insulting the party leadership.

But Mpombo says the party's governing body had no powers to expel him because its mandate had ended according to the party constitution.

Mpombo has indicated he will appeal against his expulsion while Magande says he will neither appeal his expulsion or re-contest his seat.

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