
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mpulungu seat aspirant advises MMD against adopting Sikasote

Mpulungu seat aspirant advises MMD against adopting Sikasote
By Patson Chilemba
Tue 21 Sep. 2010, 14:10 CAT

OUTGOING Mpulungu council chairperson George Tembo has warned that the MMD will stand a big disadvantage if they adopt the party’s Northern Province chairperson Griever Sikasote in the Mpulungu by-election. In an interview on Monday, Tembo warned that the MMD would stand a big disadvantage if they adopted Sikasote in the Mpulungu by-election.

Tembo, who is MMD Mpulungu-Central ward councillor, said Sikasote was elected Mpulungu member of parliament in 1996 but there was nothing satisfactory in his performance.

“There was nothing. That is why another person should be given an opportunity. In fact, in 2001 he stood and he lost. So people had lost confidence in him. So he is just trying to bulldoze,” he said.

Tembo said there was no way Sikasote could continue holding meetings when he had applied to contest the Mpulungu election.

He said many people in Mpulungu held late area member of parliament Lameck Chibombamilimo in high esteem, warning that adopting Sikasote would not augur well because he did not relate well with the late parliamentarian.

“And being a person who was so close to Chibombamilimo, all the programmes, all the development which was being initiated, we were together. I think you know to say the relationship between Sikasote and Chibombamilimo was not all that. It was sour,” Tembo said.

He said he had served as youth and council chairperson for a long time and now was the time to graduate.
Tembo said Sikasote should not use his position to suspend him and others for expressing their views on his activities.

“That petition which we submitted, I think it was in the right frame, so there can’t be any reason why he should slap us with a suspension…people should get the views from what people are saying. What matters is for one to have a clean record because as you are aware Sikasote was once a member of parliament for Mpulungu in 1996,” said Tembo.

The Mpulungu by-election is slated for October 28, this year and Sikasote is said to have applied to be adopted to contest the seat on the MMD ticket.

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