
Thursday, September 16, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) DPM Khupe 'assaults' police officer at roadblock

DPM Khupe 'assaults' police officer at roadblock
Posted: Thursday, September 16, 2010 10:24 am

DEPUTY Prime Minister, Ms Thokozani Khupe, allegedly assaulted a police officer at a roadblock near Zhombe Business Centre on Saturday, police have confirmed. The incident happened on Saturday morning as the convoy of MDC-T leaders and supporters’ vehicles headed for the party’s 11th anniversary celebrations in Gokwe.

A source told Chronicle newspaper that a police officer manning the roadblock at Zhombe Business Centre (commonly known as Joel) stopped the convoy and demanded to search all vehicles as he insisted that it was the procedure at all roadblocks in Zimbabwe.

“The chauffeur told the police officer that it was not possible for him to search the car as he was travelling with the Deputy Prime Minister and should be allowed to pass without being searched,” said the source.

DPM Khupe’s car was ahead of the convoy, the source said.

The source said the police officer insisted on carrying out the search.

“Ms Khupe’s driver was adamant that the vehicle could not be searched by the police but the officer stood his ground and insisted that all vehicles were supposed to be searched,” said the source.

The source said the police officer’s action infuriated the Deputy Prime Minister who then alighted from her vehicle and confronted him.

“Ms Khupe held the policeman by the collar and dragged him towards her car. She also squeezed his neck threatening to choke him. The Deputy Prime Minister then demanded his particulars and went away with them,” said the source.

MDC-T party spokesperson Mr Nelson Chamisa who is also the Minister for Information Communications Technology, confirmed the incident.

He however dismissed the incident as minor.

“There was a misunderstanding between the Deputy Prime Minister and a policeman at a roadblock but it’s nothing to write home about. The issue has since been resolved,” said Mr Chamisa.

Chamisa said if the reporter wanted details of what transpired he should talk to Ms Khupe.

Efforts to get a comment from Ms Khupe were fruitless as her phone was not reachable.

Police confirmed the incident

House of Assembly member for Mkoba, Amos Chibaya, also said he witnessed the incident.

He said he nearly got himself into trouble when he forcibly opened the way at the roadblock for the MDC-T convoy to pass.

“I personally asked the police to arrest me if they had a personal agenda against the MDC-T party. I can confirm that I forced them to open the way for the MDC supporters and officials to pass,” said Chibaya.

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