
Thursday, September 09, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE, HERALD) MDC supporters invade commercial farm

MDC supporters invade commercial farm
By: The Herald
Posted: Thursday, September 9, 2010 5:30 am

NEARLY 2 000 people, including members of MDC-T and MDC-99 formations from Gweru and the surrounding areas, have invaded Christmas Gift Farm on the outskirts of the city. Sources said the invaders moved onto the farm, which is next to the plot of the late senator for Gweru-Chirumanzu constituency Mr Patrick Kombayi on Saturday.

Mr Kombayi’s plot is in the Musungwe block in Ridgemont. The sources said the invaders wasted no time in demarcating the farm and parcelling out the land to themselves.

The exercise, which was said to be very chaotic as people jostled to have a piece of land, saw most of the invaders being allocated a hectare apiece.

The source said following skirmishes last Saturday, three committees were set up in a bid to bring sanity on the farm.

The three committees are allegedly made up of war veterans, the other by MDC-T members and the third committee by members of the Job Sikhala-led MDC 99, the source said.

"People were made to register their names first with a group of their choice so that they could benefit according to their party affiliation," said the source.

The source said the farm had been lying idle for the past 10 years since its previous owner, a white commercial farmer left Zimbabwe.

He added that the late Mr Kombayi was reportedly in the process of acquiring the farm at the time of his death; hence most invaders were members of the two MDC formations.

"The supporters of the two MDC formations have invaded the farm arguing that it belonged to them since Senator Kombayi was in the process of buying the property when he died.

"They are saying they cannot let the farm remain idle when they have no land," said the source.

The source said the other burning issue among the farm "invaders" was whether the farm should be turned into residential stands or remain as plots, as preferred by others.

Gweru Acting District Administrator, Mr Langton Mupeta yesterday confirmed the invasion, which he described as illegal.

Mr Mupeta said the farm was earmarked for the expansion of the city of Gweru so the invasion was illegal.

"We have told those who invaded the farm that the move is illegal. Infact, the farm is in the peri-urban area and is not meant for resettlement. To my understanding, the land is earmarked for urban expansion," he said.

Contacted for comment, MDC-T Midlands South provincial spokesperson, Mr James Tsuro refuted claims that MDC-T members were part of the farm "invaders".

"I have, however, heard of such rumours. I have also been approached by some members of our party who were misled by the invaders to come through our offices but we have since told them that we are not part of such a programme," he said.

Mr Tsuro said former party members who have since crossed over to the MDC-99 were misleading MDC-T members into believing that the party was behind the farm invasion.

"Most of the MDC-99 people have been our long time members before crossing over. There are some of our members who still believe these people belong to our party and whatever they do, these people are misled to believe it has the blessings of the party which is unfortunate," he said.

MDC-99 Midlands province chairperson, Mr Josiah Makombe yesterday refuted allegations that the farm grab was political.

People from Gweru and the surrounding community have been flocking to the farm following reports that residents were benefiting by getting some residential stands.

"To say MDC-99 or any political party is behind the invasion is misleading," he said

The invasion of the farm by mostly members of the MDC formations shows that while MDC-T leaders have been opposed to land acquisition, party members at the grassroots are hungry for land.

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