
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tonga’s will not produce a President without networking with others – Kanyama

Tonga’s will not produce a President without networking with others – Kanyama
By George Zulu in Monze
Sat 25 Sep. 2010, 04:01 CAT

CHIBAMBA Kanyama has said the Tonga speaking people will not produce a Republican president for as long as they do not see opportunities in networking with others.

During a workshop for youths organised by Matantala Rural Integrated Development Enterprise (M-RIDE) in Monze on Wednesday, Kanyama, a Lusaka economist, told the youths that he wanted to whisper something although he did not want to be misunderstood as a tribalist.

Kanyama, a Tonga from Chikankata, said politics among Tongas of not wanting to network with others had killed their opportunity of becoming presidents.

“The politics in the UPND that is what ‘killed’ Anderson Mazoka’s dream, because of not wanting to network with others, no strategy,” Kanyama said just before his presentation.

“We talk anyhow with hatred for others. When Mazoka died some people just spoke anyhow and injured many people in the process.

[Like Ackson Sejani's brainless statement that "It is time for a Tongan president". What was even more unforgivable, is that HH didn't not immediately distance himself from Ackson Sejani. That is what fed the tribalism rumours. - MrK]

Some of those who were injured could have been their supporters. You have to climb on the back of others for you to succeed even the ones you don’t like as long as they are useful to your success.

”If that is the strategy then no Tonga will ever become president of this country. So start networking, for our friends from other parts have done that before and have succeeded.”

Kanyama advised the youths to start networking in order to achieve their goals in leadership and business.

“Start networking because it is an important tool. You see opportunities in networking and use them wisely. We live in a changing world where there is demand for anything with value. Change requires discipline,” said Kanyama.

Over 400 youths from chiefs Hanjalika, Chona and Mwaanza areas gathered at Kasaka Basic School, 50 kilometers east of Monze, to get tips on how to become successive entrepreneurs.

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