
Sunday, September 19, 2010

We are ready to defend Zimbabwe - Nujoma

We are ready to defend Zimbabwe - Nujoma
By Sheikh Chifuwe
Sat 18 Sep. 2010, 04:01 CAT

WE are ready to defend Zimbabwe against the imperialists, f has declared. In an interview last weekend at Talatona Hotel in Luanda, Angola, where he was attending the third African meeting of solidarity with Cuba, Nujoma said Africans would not sit back and watch the aggressors against the African continent.

“Do they think we are going to keep quiet? No! If they attack Zimbabwe, we shall pick our guns and defend Zimambwe,” he said. “Africa belongs to Africans, Europe to Europeans and America to Americans.”

Nujoma expressed optimism that the African continent would win its ‘wars’ against imperialism.

“The American people gave weapons to PW Botha (South Africa's apartheid era president) to fight our people but we defeated them clearly, we defended our territorial integrity,” he said. “This was the first time the white imperialists were defeated.”

The American government supported the apartheid regime of South Africa during Namibia's liberation struggle, but with support from Angola and Cuban revolutionary troops, was defeated and forced to retreat.

Nujoma also disclosed that the Southern African Development Community (SADC) meeting which took place in Windhoek resolved to put pressure on the European Union to end the economic sanctions against Zimbabwe.

“This demand should be supported by any non-governmental meetings such as this one here,” he said, referring to the third African meeting of solidarity with Cuba which took place in Angola from September 12-13.

Nujoma further said the continued incarceration of the Cuban Five was a pure hatred for the socialist people.

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