
Saturday, September 04, 2010

ZNFU refutes claims of soya bean shortage

ZNFU refutes claims of soya bean shortage
By Mutale Kapekele
Thu 02 Sep. 2010, 14:40 CAT

THE Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU) has refuted claims by livestock farmers that the country has a shortage of soya beans, a primary ingredient for the production of animal feed.

According to a statement from ZNFU, the union met with officials from the Ministry of Agriculture to discuss the matter, after which it was concluded that the country had sufficient soya supply.

“Following concerns reaching the Ministry of Agriculture that there may not be enough soya beans to meet local demand and lack of maize bran for livestock farmers, the ZNFU held a consultation meeting on Tuesday August 24, 2010 with all the key stakeholders, namely, traders, processors, farmers and MACO,” the ZNFU stated.

“The meeting concluded that there is enough soya beans to meet domestic requirements with a slight surplus for export as well as room to export soya cake that has no demand locally.”

The union observed that there was a need for the price of soya beans to be adjusted upwards to discourage exports of the commodity.

“It was also agreed (at the meeting) that the local price of soya beans needed to rise to encourage sales and diminish any prospects of exports,” the union stated.
“With regards to maize bran, millers reported that maize bran was in short supply while wheat bran was in abundance. It was then agreed that for maize bran, priority should be given to meeting local demand by reducing on exports while export of wheat bran could continue.”

The ZNFU stated that in future, the domestic requirement for maize bran would be established through a study.

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