
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Govt working towards equal distribution of wealth – Rupiah

Govt working towards equal distribution of wealth – Rupiah
By Misheck Wangwe and David Chongo in Kasempa
Tue 19 Oct. 2010, 04:00 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has said the government is working towards ensuring equal distribution of wealth in the country. And a pupil at Kaimbwe Basic School in Kasempa has complained to President Banda about the lack of accommodation for teachers in the area.

Speaking after he met 15 Kaonde chiefs before officiating at the Nsakwa yaba Kaonde traditional ceremony in chief Ingwe’s area in Kasempa on Saturday, President Banda said the government’s priority was to bring development to all the nine provinces.

President Banda said he was inspired by the positive vision of development which chiefs in North Western Province shared with him during their developmental meeting.

He disclosed that the traditional leaders had appealed to the government to consider building a university for the people of North Western Province.

“They didn’t say government should build it in this district or in that district but what the chiefs want here is development and a university would contribute immensely to the development here. I am very impressed with the vision of our traditional leaders,” President Banda said.

He said the problem of lack of good infrastructure in the province dates back to the colonial days.

President Banda said the people of North Western Province should be patient with his government because it was working hard to build the much needed infrastructure in the province.

He said the government was working hard to improve infrastructure in the education sector in the province through the construction of schools such as Kanyama boarding in Mwinilunga at a cost of more than K44 billion and Kayombo valued at K33 billion.

President Banda said the Nsakwa Yaba Kaonde traditional ceremony was a unifying factor to the Kaonde people across the country as it demonstrated an inspiring history for Zambians to live in harmony.

He said there was need for all well meaning citizens to promote the unity of purpose in the country.

President Banda said in times of celebrating culture and other national events, Zambians must learn to bury their political differences and affiliations and celebrate as one big family.

He said the MMD government would remain committed to the preservation and promotion of traditional ceremonies, an important aspect of heritage.

President Banda said traditional ceremonies enabled the country to preserve and safeguard the rich cultural heritage.

And delivering a poem, Misheck Mumba complained that education was usually affected in the area because of the challenges teachers faced.

Mumba said people looked forward to the successful completion of the rural electrification programme but were deeply concerned with the slow pace at which it was moving.

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