
Thursday, October 14, 2010

(HERALD) Empowerment: A plus for self-reliance, growth

Empowerment: A plus for self-reliance, growth

EDITOR — We wouldn’t know from our experiences what happens when one succeeds in amassing a million dollars, but we have the impression that it reduces his problems and social complications.

Certainly, when one succeeds in reaching a higher position in his career he or she is promptly rewarded with more work, great influence and tougher decisions than they had to make before. And any man who has won an affirmative answer to a proposal of marriage knows what complexity flows from that.

For citizens of a great nation engaged in a national economic empowerment drive, our dedication to the task at hand requires us getting used to an extraordinary series of ideas.

Indigenisation is a solution to a historical problem meant to reduce the number of economic problems remaining to be solved.

The national empowerment drive, just like the land reform programme, is to promote self-determination, self-reliance and above all national independence.

Its major thrust is to enable our great nation to get back to its economic health with the empowerment of our people as owners of businesses rather than workers.

It is time we move away from the old tradition of searching for simple solutions to complicated colonial problems.

We, the people of Zimbabwe, have struggled for so long and so hard against a common enemy and we cannot allow ourselves to be deceived by aimless and unprincipled quislings who fail to embrace our indigenisation programme.

The empowerment drive must mean effective control for our resources and better opportunities for all.

This drive must also ensure that it bridges the gap between our poor people and the vocal minority which remains at the helm of our economic sector with no alternative, but taking a position influenced by white capital.

It is time we took ultimate responsibility for our actions, with a demand for organised thinking from every patriotic Zimbabwean, for, thinking is like loving and dying.

Each one of us must do it for oneself using the most dependable computer, which is the brain.

As we undertake this vital exercise let there be no room for contingency planning, for the nation knows the challenges that await it once it is empowered.

Beatrice Syndicate Board.

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