
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

(HERALD) Unite against sanctions, says Bishop Manhanga

Unite against sanctions, says Bishop Manhanga
Midlands Correspondent

ZIMBABWEANS should unite and call for the removal of the illegal western economic sanctions, Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Zimbabwe Trevor Manhanga has said.

Delivering a public lecture on patriotism at Mid-lands State University last week, Bishop Manhanga urged the political leadership in the inclusive Government to desist from name-calling as it defeats the purpose of inclusivity. Bishop Manhanga said sanctions have caused suffering to ordinary people.

"Patriotism also calls upon each one of us to collectively call and work for the removal of all economic and other restrictions imposed on our nation and any of its nationals.

"We must understand the devastating effect of these sanctions on the ordinary people of Zimbabwe," Bishop Manhanga said.

Patriots, he said, should not stand by and watch sanctions decimating the nation. The Bishop said the reality was that the nation had borne the brunt of the punitive measures.

"All Zimbabweans must make a concerted and united effort for the removal of these punitive restrictions. As patriotic Zimbabweans we must collectively see that sanctions against Zimbabwe and indeed any other nation are a declaration of war on a sovereign State, which puts the economy under siege, with negative downstream effects on the vulnerable groups and civilians at large," Bishop Manhanga said.

He also said patriotism of necessity "must make the call for a full frontal assault on corruption. We may not be able to do much to curb the wave of economic restrictions imposed on our country, but we can bring sanity to the corruption that threatens the fabric of our society."

Added Bishop Manhanga: "We cannot sit back and watch with folded arms the continued plunder of our natural resources, such as we witnessed during the Wild West days in the diamonds fields of Marange."

He called for respect of the leadership in the inclusive Government to foster unity of purpose.

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