
Saturday, October 23, 2010

(HERALD) ‘Zim among top four tourism destinations’

‘Zim among top four tourism destinations’

ZIMBABWE’S prime tourism marketing, promotion and development extravaganza Sanganai/Hlanganani Travel and Tourism Africa Fair, ended in Harare last week with more than 450 foreign exhibitors having generated US$300 million worth business.

With the Government’s Look East Policy continuing to bear fruits, the far-east source market which includes China, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and Indonesia, among others had brought 71 businesspeople and journalists, the highest number from a single market. Features Editor Isdore Guvamombe (IG) talked to Zimbabwe’s tourism manager for Asia Dr Taka Munyanyiwa (TM) about his and other issues.

IG: Zimbabwe hosted foreign tourist wholesalers, buyers, the media and business people and the Far East has been identified as one of the biggest source markets as per Government Look East Policy. What is your role on this?

TM: Well, I am Zimbabwe’s representative to the Far East: that means China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. There is also Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines. I have been ordinarily resident in Beijing, China since 2003 and worked out things in this market in line with the Government’s policy.

I was appointed through the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority.

Sanganai is regarded in tourism circles the world over as Zimbabwe’s prime tourism exhibition and among Africa’s best exhibitions and this is why we are here with the source market, I mentioned.

IG: What about Russia?

TM: No, Russia is not under my portfolio. But what is critical is that our tourism office in China was commissioned in August 2003 and one of the milestones was the signing by the Chinese Government and the Far East market of Zimbabwe’s Approved Destination Status. Zimbabwe is now recognised in that market as an approved safe tourist destination.

This is what has made Zimbabwe among the best four African tourist destinations.

IG: Critics of ZTA and the Government say it has been a waste of resources to invest in attracting tourists from the Far East, who are perceived as stingy. What is your comment?

TM: That is a bit on the silly side. It is devoid of reality and reason.

As we speak, I have brought with me 71 businesspeople, investors, journalists, tourist wholesalers for Sanganai and for the record, Zimbabwe is currently receiving at least 100 000 tourists from that source market, annually, The figures are there for anyone to see. It is the biggest source market and this is not a secret. Actually it is the best decision the Government and ZTA have done because we are now harvesting the fruits. Last year I brought with me 61 exhibitors for Sanganai/Hlanganani.

IG: Still, the critics will say that the amount invested in that market does not justify the results?

TM: I am sorry, if I get a bit emotional about it. Because of the efforts put by the Government, through ZTA, Zimbabwe has now been voted number 4 best tourist destination by the Far East market, after Egypt, Kenya and South Africa. This is why we have increased arrival from that market to 100 000 per year, which represents 80 percent of the southern African market share. I hope these critics are not imaginary. We have achieved all this against an array of problems that include an economy under attack from sanctions, an unfriendly visa regime, connectivity problems and distance. This market is far away but we have managed to get to where we are today. We have engaged 10 airlines that directly or indirectly carry our tourists to this part of the world and I think we should be given credit for it.

IG: In terms of that market, which attraction is the best seller?

TM: Of course, it is the Victoria Falls first, followed by Great Zimbabwe and then Mana Pools. They each have their explanations but I must say Mana Pools is an Eden to them. They love the wildlife, they love the jungle aspect and I wish Mana Pools would remain uninterrupted by human settlement. Great Zimbabwe has links with the Great Wall of China and Vic Falls is everyone’s darling.

IG: Can you explain the current delegation and what the members are here for?

TM: Like I said, I brought a 71-member delegation of business people, investors, tourist wholesalers and media. In terms of the media, there is a television crew from Beijing Television and they will be here for three weeks, shooting a documentary on travel and tourism, we have the print media. A special group is the Self-Drive Media. This kind of media, promotes road usage for tourist as opposed to air transportation of tourists and they belong to something like our Automobile Association and they are happy with our roads so far and they want to promote that.

They promote road networks and we are saying our roads are good and ideal for self drive compared to other African countries.

IG: What else is there?

TM: I have five people from South Korea, looking at special interests like culture and welfare. Then there is an on line publication called C.Trip. Com, which is a popular Chinese social forum for travellers. We want to link them up with Zimbabwe. We also have airline representatives from Malaysia, who want to invest in Zimbabwe.

They are also looking at packaging opportunities. So in short, I have brought variety with me and Zimbabwe stands to benefit from this group which is the biggest from a single source market.

IG: You have been in and out of the country but when you came back this time what can you say has changed?

TM: There is great improvement. The negative publicity we used to have is no longer there. It is a tired story and no one is willing to listen to it anymore. Our economy is stable, we are politically stable. Our hotels have everything they require but we need to change our attitude.

The human resource aspect is lagging behind the good changes. The tourism and hospitality industry staff must change their attitude. I see them lacking this extra urge to market and promote the country through behaviour. Smiles alone are not enough. Our behaviour must show what we want to achieve. That area pains me.

isadore.guvamombe ***

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