Tuesday, October 12, 2010

(IOL) Aids is a scam - Prince

COMMENT - The Prince is absolutely correct. National HIV prevalence levels are statistical constructs, that are never proven by for instance population growth, or independent mortality data. HIV/AIDS prevalence rates are simply another corporate scam. That is why every few years they have to switch to a new 'world epicenter of AIDS'. In the 1980s it was Kenya, then in the early 1990s it became Uganda, in the late 1990s they turned to the newly independent South Africa, now they are turning to Swaziland. Doesn't anyone ever stop to wonder and say - why Uganda? Why Kenya? Why South Africa? Why Swaziland? Why no country in West Africa? Oh and by the way - what happened to Uganda again? Instead of seeing their population decimated ("we are going to see significant depopulation" - was said in the 1980s), the population of Uganda went from 14mn in 1985, to 28 million in 2005. Their population doubled in 20 years. HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in Africa are a scam.

Aids is a scam - Prince
By James Hall
August 18 2010 at 07:48am
Independent Foreign Service

Mbabane - A senior royal leader in Swaziland has dismissed the severity of the Aids epidemic in the country with the world's highest HIV prevalence rate, and ridiculed programmes that promote circumcision and condom usage as ways to combat Aids.

"Circumcision only helps to keep one hygienically safe. If that is the case, why not use water and bath?" said Prince Mangaliso, head of King Mswati's advisory council, Liqoqo, the Times of Swaziland reported yesterday.

The prince blamed what he called profit-hungry drug and condom makers for misleading the public about the extent of Aids.

"This (pharmaceutical) industry is making a lot of money and if there was no HIV, there would be a lot of people who would lose business.

"They are making so much exaggeration about HIV and Aids so they can keep their business afloat," Mangaliso said.

He said he would not take an HIV test because he was not scared of HIV.

The remarks were made in response to claims by an 18-year-old woman that the prince was failing to support their four-year-old child.

The woman claims she recently removed her daughter from the prince's home fearing the child was being abused.

The 60-year-old prince denied her claims that he had promised to marry her, and refused to say how many other children he had fathered out of wedlock.

The personal questioning led to his wider comments about HIV and Aids.

Forty-two percent of Swaziland's sexually active adults are HIV-positive, according to public health officials, who expressed dismay at the prince's remarks.

[Now think about that. This must mean that the people of Swaziland are doomed. Except they're not. Just ask the people of Uganda, Kenya, Botswana, or South Africa, against whom the same charge was made. - MrK]

Vusi Dlamini, spokesman for the Family Life Association of Swaziland, said: "Circumcision and HIV testing are part of a package of services we offer; you can't separate them. We need to engage traditional leaders on this subject."

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