
Saturday, October 02, 2010

(LUSAKATIMES) RB advises Zambians abroad to get land in different parts of the country

RB advises Zambians abroad to get land in different parts of the country
Thursday, September 30, 2010, 12:07

President Rupiah Banda has advised Zambians living abroad to consider acquiring land in different parts of the country, instead of concentrating on Lusaka where it is difficult to get plots. Mr. Banda says other parts of Zambia like the Copperbelt, Chipata, Kasama and Mansa are developing fast and need investment.

Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) reports that the President was speaking in Abuja, Nigeria Wednesday night at a dinner organised by the Zambian High Commission in Nigeria.

He also expressed hope that future Zambian leaders will learn to carry on developmental projects started by their predecessors. President Banda said he is surprised that some people are questioning him for continuing to implement development projects started by the late President Levy Mwanawasa.

And Zambia’s High Commissioner to Nigeria Alexis Luhila said Zambians in Nigeria are following with keen interest, the development projects which President Banda is implementing in Zambia. Mr. Luhila described President Banda as a visionary leader.

He said Africa needs leaders like President Banda. President Banda is in Nigeria as Special guest at that country’s 50th independence celebrations.

And President Rupiah Banda says it is an honour for Zambia to have been chosen by the Nigerian government, to be guest of honour at that country’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations.

The President said this in an interview with ZNBC’s Luckson Nthani on arrival at Mnandi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja, Nigeria Wednesday.

Mr. Banda observed that Zambia and Nigeria have a lot in common as former British colonies.

Mr. Banda is in Abuja, Nigeria where he is the guest of honour at that country’s 50th Independence Annivesary celebrations Scheduled for October 1.

And Commerce Minister Felix Mutati says Zambia and Nigeria are working out a framework in which the two countries can co-operate in real estate developemnt.

Mr. Mutati was speaking after touring Urban Shelter projects in Abuja where the company has contracted many houses for sale.


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