
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

(LUSAKATIMES) Stop ‘dark corner’ meetings with diplomats, Sata told

Stop ‘dark corner’ meetings with diplomats, Sata told
Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 8:1

SOME members of the civil society have demanded that Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata stops holding meetings with diplomats, as this is likely to bring tension in the country.

They state that it is wrong for Mr Sata to hold ‘dark corner’ meetings with diplomats to disparage President Banda. Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) executive director Pukuta Mwanza said it is important for diplomats to adhere to their roles in countries of their posting.

Reverend Mwanza said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that the meetings that Mr Sata has been holding with diplomats can incite anarchy and derail development.

He said diplomats are supposed to work with Government and harness their relationships by engaging in constructive dialogue.

“Any activity which has the potential to destabilise the country should not be tolerated or encouraged in this country.

“Diplomats are supposed to be Government’s partners in development and so when we hear that they (diplomats) are holding ‘dark corner’ meetings with opposition leaders like Mr Sata, it is saddening because if they are not happy about something, they know where to channel their concerns, that is through the relevant Government ministries and departments,” he said.

Rev Mwanza said diplomats have no choice but to work with Government because Zambians gave the ruling party the mandate to govern the country.

He said it is irresponsible for some diplomats to hold dark corner meetings with opposition leaders when they are sent to various missions to work with the Government of the day.

“People should not be cheated to think that someone from outside Government can develop this country, No. It is people in Government who can develop this country and diplomats should striveto work with them (Government),” he said.

Bible Gospel Church in Africa (BIGOCA) overseer Peter Ndhlovu said the move by Mr Sata to hold meetings with diplomats is a sign of desperation on the part of the opposition leader.

“His move to hold meetings with diplomats is not fair especially that he is using them (diplomats) to disparage President Banda.

“As Zambians, we should not have room for such kind of leaders who are trying to gain political mileage by attacking the head of state,” he said.

Bishop Ndhlovu said opposition leaders are supposed to offer alternative leadership by telling Zambians what they will do for them if voted into office as opposed to attacking President Banda and his administration.

He said Mr Sata should learn to give Government credit whenever they do something credible.

Foundation for the Democratic Process (FODEP) president Stanley Mhango said in as much as Mr Sata has the right to associate with any group of people, his recent meetings with diplomats has the potential to damage Government’s relations with foreign representatives.

Mr Mhango said Mr Sata should stop meetings diplomats without the knowledge of Government because the ‘secret meetings’ can spark conflict in the country.

He said diplomats should use the established channels to air their concerns with Government as opposed to holding meetings with opposition leaders.

Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) information and publicity officer Obby Chibuluma said if Mr Sata wants to hold meetings with diplomats, he should arrange them through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mr Chibuluma said it is wrong for both Mr Sata and the diplomats to hold meetings through the press.

He said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the official channel which diplomats can use to air their grievances.

“If Mr Sata wants to meet with diplomats, he should use the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” Mr Chibuluma said.

House of Chiefs chairperson, Chief Mazimawe wondered how Mr Sata would feel if he was the head of state and opposition leaders were busy holding meetings with diplomats.

Chief Mazimawe said it is wrong for Mr Sata to hold meetings with diplomats where he is discrediting President Banda.

He said President Banda should be accorded the respect he deserves because he was given a mandate by the majority of Zambians to govern the nation.
“There is nothing wrong for Mr Sata to hold meetings with anyone but what is wrong is he is using these meetings to disparage the President.

“What these diplomats should know is that when they come to this country, they are received by Government whose head is President Banda and so they need to respect him,” he said.

Of late, Mr Sata has been holding meeting with diplomats where he has been disparaging President Banda and his administration.

Mr Sata recently held a meeting with Canadian High Commissioner to Tanzania and Zambia Robert Orr where he claimed he can run the country better than President Banda.

Earlier, Mr Sata held a meeting with Belgian Ambassador to Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi and Mauritius, Paul Jansen where he alleged that there will be free stealing in Government after the removal of the clause of abuse of authority of office.
[Zambia DAily Mail]

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