
Saturday, October 23, 2010

MMD cadres attack PF member, as cops watch

MMD cadres attack PF member, as cops watch
By Mwala Kalaluka in Mpulungu
Sat 23 Oct. 2010, 04:20 CAT

POLICE officers yesterday watched helplessly as a crowd of MMD cadres attacked a lone PF counterpart who raised his party symbol as they marched near Mpulungu’s Chamuluzi Guest House.

And PF leader Michael Sata yesterday caused a near-commotion in Mpulungu when he drove through the town to refuel at the local filling station. Hours before President Banda’s scheduled visit to the town’s markets, a team of police officers from the Mobile and Protective Units barricaded PF cadres at Chamuluzi Guest House, which is now considered to be a PF vantage.

The officers were seen talking to the PF cadres about their symbolic boat, which they had placed along the main road leading into the town. The police maintained their presence around the PF boat and near the opposition party’s campaign camp.

Minutes before President Banda started his belated tour of Mpulungu Main Market, a sizeable group of MMD cadres marched towards Chamuluzi Guest House and when they got to where the PF cadres and their leaders were seated under the watchful eye of the police, they saw a male PF cadre cycling and raising the PF fist.

The MMD cadres, led by Kelvin Sampa, broke rank and started chasing the PF cadre up to the guesthouse where PF cadres and their leaders, deputy secretary general Emmanuel Chenda and member of the central committee Timothy Walamba, were.
The MMD cadres roughed up a female PF supporter after failing to catch the one who had raised the PF symbol in their direction.

As this was happening, a Mobile Police officer and another from the Protective Unit came to the scene but this did not deter the MMD cadres from continuing their harassment of the female PF cadre.

Suddenly another female PF supporter came out from one of the rooms in front of Chamuluzi Guest House carrying a container of cold water, which she started spraying on the MMD cadres, who then left.

Musonda was heard complaining to a Mobile Police officer about the conduct of the police officers, who watched as the MMD cadres provoked their PF counterparts. He then called Mpulungu officer-in-charge to ask him why his officers were failing to contain the MMD cadres.
Musonda told The Post the conduct by the police was not fair.

“MMD can’t be allowed to go scot-free when they are breaking the law,” he said. “If they were our cadres they would have been arrested … we expect the police to be professional.”
A few minutes later, President Banda arrived at Mpulungu Main Market for his tour of shops and stalls.

During the tour, a highly vocal MMD cadre, who identified himself as Henry Mulenga, a party official from Lusaka, was heard saying the PF had been dominating the campaigns before the cadres from outside Mpulungu arrived in the town.

He said the campaign was going well, except that PF cadres were trying to be provocative and complained that Sata had blocked the main entrance to Mpulungu Main Market hours before President Banda arrived.

As President Banda chatted with marketeers in the main shelter at Mpulungu Market, Northern Province police commanding officer Mukuka Chewe was heard saying police had arrested someone who was found carrying a red card the previous night. Police have warned they will arrest anyone flashing red cards.

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