
Monday, October 11, 2010

Mumbwa woman farmer gets award for record yield

Mumbwa woman farmer gets award for record yield
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Mon 11 Oct. 2010, 04:00 CAT

A Mumbwa-based small-scale farmer was last week the only female farmer to receive an award during Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU)’s annual congress following her production of nine tonnes of maize from a one hectare land. Sara Munalula planted PHB30G19 and for the first time, her family had surplus maize grain and managed to sell some to the Food Reserve Agency (FRA).

Munalula won an award sponsored by Pioneer DuPont Zambia which would enable her to represent Zambian farmers at the “farmer to farmer” round table in the United States, which will be hosted by an organisation called Truth about Trade and Technology.

Commenting on the development, Pioneer DuPont Zambia managing director Munyaradzi Mutsvairo said it was critical that small-scale farmers were given a voice, and that this year, the voice was given to Munalula.

Mutsvairo said Pioneer DuPont Zambia was proud to be associated with Munalula and many other small-scale farmers as pioneers aimed at ensuring that every farmer got value for their hybrid maize.

Pioneer contributed seed for three hectares which was an award to the most diversified emergent farmer from Kabwe, Brighton Mwanguku, who also won a three row Fitaleli planter.

The award winners thanked ZNFU management and Pioneer DuPont Zambia for contributing to their success in the agriculture sector.

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