
Monday, October 11, 2010

(NEWZIMBABWE) Fans turn on ‘lying’ Gamu

Fans turn on ‘lying’ Gamu
by Staff Reporter
10/10/2010 00:00:00

GAMU Nhengu faced a backlash on Sunday from her Zimbabwean supporters after claiming that she would be put before a firing squad if deported back her home country. The 18-year-old singer who lives with her family in Scotland faces deportation after her mother wrongly claimed state benefits.

And, as the family steps up efforts to avoid expulsion from the United Kingdom, Gamu claimed in an interview with a British Sunday tabloid that she would be shot dead by President Robert Mugabe’s goons if deported.

The former X Factor contestant said: "I've been in the public eye now and people there know I've fled Mugabe's regime. They will punish us if we go back. They're going to know where we are.

"We're going to be very unsafe. People have already been approaching our family members. We think they could be working for Mugabe. And we know how brutal he can be. I would be in danger, it's blatantly obvious. My family would be in danger.

"There's a firing squad waiting for us there and they're putting me in front of it."

But Zimbabwean fans of the teenage star took exception to her claims. New received dozens of calls and e-mails from angry Zimbabweans.

Chirandu Mukuru, writing from the United States, said: “Firing squad for Gamu? Give us a break. If anyone believes that then they believe anything. What is true is that the opportunities for personal professional growth especially in her chosen field are almost zero once she gets back to Zimbabwe.

“That's the real fear. These 'Mugabe will kill me' stories are just nonsense."

Reacting to the story, Tim from Edinburgh added: “It becomes very sinister when people start to peddle lies about their political situation. I feel Gamu was ill advised to claim her political inclination. Her family never came here as political refugees but as economic refugees as clearly documented by Gamu.

“So, for her to claim that Robert Mugabe will behead her is not only grossly false but a shameful lie. We should not score own goals by demonising unnecessarily."

Many felt Gamu was being ill-advised and insisted she did not need to make disparaging remarks about her country in order to remain the UK.

Wrote Chapomba Squat from Birmingham: “Come on Gamu, I was on your side. We all where and we all loved and supported you on stage. The whole of Zimbabwe was behind you even the President I'm sure. You are very talented and all agree.

“But then, now you go and provoke a man who has nothing to do with you? Do you honestly think that Mugabe would do that to you? Yes you need a visa but get it in the right way. You have a chance to say something to over 60 million people to gain support and you choose this!”

Meanwhile the teenager blamed her appearance on the hit show for her family’s troubles.

She said: "I believe being on the show made all the difference. The Home Office said everything was fine. But then Boot Camp was screened and suddenly there were these problems.

"I would be a good person to make an example of. Everyone knows me. But it would be sad to make me a scapegoat."

Gamu added: "It's so unfair because we feel shamed for doing nothing wrong. If I hadn't been on X Factor everything would have been fine. Someone else would have been the scapegoat instead of me."

The Home Office refused to renew her mum Nokuthula Ngazana's visa after she wrongly claimed state benefits.

Gamu and her half-brothers Milton, 12, and Marty, 10, are in the United Kingdom on the same visa and must also go.

The family are reportedly holed up in their Clackmannanshire home in Scotland.

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