
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

(NYASATIMES) Paladin justify dismissal of Malawian workers at Kayelekera

Paladin justify dismissal of Malawian workers at Kayelekera
By Nyasa Times
Published: October 4, 2010

Paladin Energy Ltd., an Australian company that mines uranium at Kayelekera in Malawi’s northern region has said there was nothing wrongful in the dismissal of Chief Chemist Stacy Luhanga and Rex Chatambalala.

Greg Walker, Paladin’s General Manager-International Affairs, said in a statement that the workers at the Kayelekera Uranium mine were dismissed after being given a fair hearing.

“Mr Luhanga was cautioned by Kayelekera mine management in July over allegations he had made to various employees concerning an alleged relationship between two expatriate employees, which he claimed had resulted in discriminatory behaviour being displayed towards him,” explained Walker.

“A conference involving all the parties was held on site on 22 July in an attempt to mediate the issue. Mr Luhunga was told by the individuals concerned that no such relationship existed. He was invited to withdraw his allegations and advised to desist from repeating them to other staff members. He refused to do so and was then advised that he would be required to substantiate his claims.

“ He was further advised that if he could do so, action would be taken against them; if not, he would be held accountable for slandering the individuals concerned and would face appropriate disciplinary action,” said Paladin’s boss.

Walker said Paladin held a disciplinary hearing last week, where Luhunga was represented by legal counsel.

“He was unable to produce any evidence to support his allegations and, as a consequence, his employment with the Company was terminated,” said the General Manager.

He said the Nyasa Times “compounded the hurt and injury” caused to the individuals concerned by naming them and repeating Luhanga’s “unsubstantiated” sex-relationship claims of the bosses.

Paladin also explained the recent dismissal of Rex Chatambalala, saying they fired him for placing a container of uranium oxide in a clothes drier used by other employees, in clear contravention of the Company’s policies and procedures in relation to the handling of Kayelekera product.

“The circumstances of this event were thoroughly investigated and Mr Chatambalala could offer no credible reason for his actions and, accordingly, was dismissed,” said the General Manager.

He said Paladin (Africa) Ltd takes the welfare of all of its employees – both Malawian and expatriate – very seriously and will not tolerate actions – either physical or verbal – which might cause harm or distress to any of its employees.

Paladin said Nyasa Times earlier article inflamed “racial tensions”.

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