
Monday, October 04, 2010

Political betrayal allegations surround Lubinda

Political betrayal allegations surround Lubinda
By George Chellah
Mon 04 Oct. 2010, 04:01 CAT

KABWATA PF member of parliament Given Lubinda is believed to be in a political limbo following the recent confusion in the pact. Well-placed sources within MMD yesterday revealed that Lubinda is of late alleged to have been courting various political players.

“It appears the recent problems that engulfed the pact sent Lubinda into serious panic. He seems to be in a serious political dilemma after the recent problems in the pact. Of course, you know that he is originally UPND that’s why even within the pact he has a soft spot for his former party, which is understandable,” the sources said.

“However, Lubinda appears to be lost because recently he has been linked to a number of political organiSations including Ng’andu Magande’s former finance minister and expelled Chilanga MMD member of parliament so-called movement. He is actually even among the prominent names being mentioned that are earmarked to be part of Magande’s movement. But as to whether he will gather the courage and make that decision now, is what we don’t know.”

The sources disclosed that Lubinda haD also been mentioned to be courting the MMD.

“During the confusion in the pact, Lubinda has been talking to some people and in some of those meetings he has even been suggesting that the opposition might end up losing him to us MMD if the pact doesn’t work,” the sources said.

“We are MMD but what we can’t understand is whether it’s just mere panic on the part of Lubinda or he is serious about what he trying to do because despite us being, MMD we can tell you that if he proceeds on that path the political consequences might be heavy for him. It can be understood if he decided to jump back to UPND after all it’s not a secret that he interacts with the UPND right from the grassroots up to HH himself. We can only hope that now that there is a semblance of stability in the pact, he will be at peace with himself.”

But Lubinda yesterday dismissed the allegations.

“I wouldn’t be surprised with that level of speculation because obviously I have been very silent over this period. My silence has been so loud that many people have been asking me the reason. If people have decided to speculate, I wouldn’t blame them because for a long time I have been one of the loudest advocates of the pact,” Lubinda said.

“Let me allay all speculation and state very categorically that those thoughts have never at any one time crossed my mind. They have never crossed my mind whatsoever.”

Lubinda said it would be imprudent for him to contemplate on leaving the PF at this crucial time.

“What I believe in myself is that it is always darkest before dawn. What we have seen is twilight. I have no infatuation with the fact that it’s bound to get even darker before it finally becomes dawn for us. I will be in the party and weather the storm,” Lubinda said.

“The Magande story is nothing but just a pack of lies, the UPND story is also another lie because how could I be both working to consolidate the pact as well as working to break the pact for me to belong to one of the parties? What logic is that?

“And as for the MMD, it is an open secret that I was among the first opposition MPs to be offered positions in the MMD government way back in the 2002 and 2003 when it was fashionable for opposition MPs to cross the floor in search of ministerial positions. Had I any likings for the MMD the first opportunity I would have seized was in 2006. That is when I would have gone to join the MMD.”

Lubinda said everyone is aware that in 2006 the opposition was in disarray.

“How can I leave the opposition now when it is stronger than before? Magande has not approached me and ADD has not approached me. There is no denial that a number of MMD ministers have been talking to me asking why I don’t join them. No one has ever made any serious overtures because they know my stand,” Lubinda said.

“None from UPND has even talked to me because they know that my hope is that the UPND/PF pact will form government. It is up to people to judge I don’t know what parameters they are using to judge that I a more UPND than PF. For me, it’s my conviction because I do things with utmost sincerity. I do my politics with conviction and I don’t do anything for political expedience.”

Lubinda said he was convinced that what he was doing was for the good of PF and the nation.

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