
Thursday, October 21, 2010

RB hated Chibombamilimo even in his death - Sata

RB hated Chibombamilimo even in his death - Sata
By George Chellah in Mpulungu
Thu 21 Oct. 2010, 04:00 CAT

PF leader Michael Sata yesterday said President Rupiah Banda passionately hated Lameck Chibombamilimo even in his death.

Sata, who has made it a tradition to open his rallies with a replay of President Banda’s address to MMD cadres where he vowed to fire Chibombamilimo and defeat him whenever a by-election was called in Mpulungu, told people at Chisanza village, which is perched by the shores of Lake Tanganyika near the Tanzanian border, that President Banda was extremely bitter with Chibombamilimo.

“Rupiah Banda passionately hated Chibombamilimo even in his death. He was so bitter with him such that even when he was addressing MMD cadres before sacking him, he said ‘Chibombamilimo is a useless young man, I will sack him and I will follow him and defeat him.’ Even MMD national chairman Mabenga said Chibombamilimo was useless,” he said.

Sata said President Banda did not regard the late Chibombamilimo as a human being. He said it was out of shame that President Banda grudgingly sent Chibombamilimo to India for specialist treatment.

“This was after I personally went and saw the young man in hospital and thereafter came and complained in the press over the manner the government treated him,” Sata said. “Even when he was in India no one visited him at the hospital. Not even the staff and the Zambian High Commission in India went to visit him.

“As if that was not enough, when Chibombamilimo finally died the government brought his remains in a coffin which looked like those in which they bury prisoners. That’s how Rupiah hated Chibombamilimo even in his death.”

Sata said even when PF went to mourn Chibombamilimo at the house of mourning, they were beaten by MMD cadres like dogs.

Sata said Mabenga echoed President Banda’s hatred for Chibombamilimo. He said health minister Kapembwa Simbao and home affairs deputy minister Gaston Sichilima betrayed the late Chibombamilimo.

Sata said President Banda had no regard for them no wonder he opted to take electricity and better roads to Kasaba Bay, which he has sold to his friend instead of ensuring that the entire Mpulungu constituency was electrified. Sata also took time to visit Chisanza Primary School, which is in a very deplorable state.

“I visited Chisanza Primary School and I found that the pupils are not learning because the teachers have deserted the school to go for census. It’s now 46 years after Independence and we still have schools without desks, roof and chalk board. It’s a shame,” Sata said.

“If our elders who hail from here like the late John Mwanakatwe were to come back from their graves today, they would wish they never fought for this country’s independence because their children have been neglected.”

Immediately after the rally at Chisanza village, Sata sailed across Lake Tanganyika rushing for another rally at Niamukolo village later in the afternoon.

At Niamukolo village, Sata told a huge crowd that they had a task of rescuing themselves from misery and poverty brought about by the MMD.

“It’s up to you because even Jesus Christ said cry for yourselves and your children. We wanted to hold a meeting where George Kunda held his recently but the headmaster said ‘you are PF get out!’ Forgetting that this man PF candidate Freedom Sikazwe will come and speak for him when he gets to Parliament,” Sata said.

“Our youths were arrested just for moving with a boat. Today, they were taken to court and they said each one of them must pay K250, 000. I have sent my deputy national secretary Emmanuel Musonda to go and pay for their bail.”
He urged the people not to be cheated.

“They are cheating you that when you elect Sata he will bring war. Why didn’t I do that when they stole votes in 2006 and 2008? They stole our votes and I am still here peacefully,” Sata said. “Chibombamilimo brought this road which we will remember him for but Simbao who is health minister has even failed to bring you a wheelbarrow.”

Sata urged people to sleep at polling stations and defend their votes.

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