
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rupiah’s defence of Sinazongwe mine crimes is scandalous - Sata

COMMENT - It should be clear to everyone that neoliberal economists and exponents of their supply side economics have no sympathy for the workers at all. Recently minister Musokotwane stated that there would be no significant reduction for at least 30 years. Obviously, he is comfortable with that. As long as there is 'economic activity', even if that activity is the robbing blind of Zambia's resources, they are ok with that. And if Zambian workers die, that is just an inconvenience to them. they are more concerned with how quickly those workers can be replaced so production doesn't slow down. We need Demand Side Economics, that understand that you don't have an economy unless workers have disposable incomes, beyond a living wage - which means they are protected from exploitation, are unionized, and domestic producers are protected from competition with foreign goods. You know who to vote for in 2011.

Rupiah’s defence of Sinazongwe mine crimes is scandalous - Sata
By George Chellah in Mpulungu
Sun 24 Oct. 2010, 09:50 CAT

PF leader Michael Sata yesterday said President Rupiah Banda's defence of Chinese managers who recently shot miners in Sinazongwe is scandalous. Commenting on President Banda's statement on the recent shooting of miners in Sinazongwe, Sata said nothing that comes out of President Banda shocks him anymore.

“Personally, I wasn't expecting Rupiah to show any leadership or patriotism on this incident. Typical of Rupiah, Zambians are shot by trigger-happy Chinese investors and the head of state can't even show any remorse or sympathy with the victims that were shot,” Sata said.

“How does a leader side with the perpetrators of a criminal activity and not the victims? What type of thinking is that? What sort of leaders do we have in this country that can't see the misery and hopelessness in fellow human beings that are disadvantaged? Rupiah's defence of the Chinese is scandalous.”

He said President Banda's caution on Zambians to ensure that the incident did not lead to phobia against the Chinese was misplaced.

“What phobia? He is just ashamed of what his so-called investors did. This type of reasoning is extremely dangerous because instead of protecting lives of citizens, Rupiah wants to justify and cover up these crimes with assumptions,” he said.

Sata said President Banda's remarks over the shooting painted a very bad picture to would be investors.

“How will future investors respect our labour laws and local labour force if the President is in the forefront of defending criminal activities?” Sata asked.

“It's clear that Rupiah is defending criminal activities of the Chinese. It even makes us wonder whether there will be any justice in the courts of law. Rupiah has confirmed that he is giving maximum protecting to the Chinese.”

Sata said President Banda's remarks should be an eye-opener to the Zambian people.

“I have been vindicated because I started complaining about this inhuman treatment and poor working conditions of our brothers and sisters by some of these so-called investors a long time ago. I was even labeled that I am anti-Chinese and yet all I was asking for was for these investors to respect our labour laws and treat our people as human beings and not animals. If those who are governing this country had cared to listen, incidents such as the recent shooting could have been avoided,” Sata said.

“But as usual, the government saw it as an opportunity to peddle all sorts of lies against me, but see what has happened now and what Mr Banda who is believed to be 'investor friendly' is doing to his own people whom he is supposed to protect. Surely, in this day and age why should a country continue shedding more innocent blood at the hands of these merciless so-called investors?”

Sata said like any country, Zambia was at liberty to embrace foreign investment.
“We are only asking our brothers and sisters to treat us with dignity and respect. Is this too much to ask for? You cannot shoot at fellow human beings like animals over a labour dispute and when we speak you want to vilify us and accuse us of all sorts of crimes. I donít think that is fair,” he said.

Earlier, Sata addressed three rallies in chief Chitimbwa's area.

During the rallies, Sata urged the people to reject the MMD candidate.

“Given Mung'omba is a councillor in this area and he has failed to even bring a grader to work on these roads. So how will he deliver when you elect him as member of parliament? He has taken your vote for granted,” Sata said.

“Given thinks you are sleepy and dull, that's why he is back today asking for you to elect him as MP after failing to deliver as area councillor."

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