
Monday, October 18, 2010

RUPIAH’s trips reflect playboy culture, says Sata

RUPIAH’s trips reflect playboy culture, says Sata
By George Chellah
Mon 18 Oct. 2010, 13:00 CAT

RUPIAH's aimless trips reflect his playboy culture, PF leader Michael Sata has said.
Reacting to President Rupiah Banda's recent attacks on him, Sata, who first laughed at President Banda's claims that he was born and brought up insulting, said he understood what the President was currently going through.
"I pity my brother because he seems to be cracking.

He is under extreme political pressure; that's why he is now entertaining the country with such baseless claims. I don't insult, I only speak the truth and the truth always offends liars. Let Rupiah tell the nation when I ever insulted him; and if I did, what did I say?" Sata asked.

"I am aware that what has offended him most is my consistent criticism of his endless trips, which are costing our treasury huge sums of money. Tell him that as long as he doesn't stop his usual travels, I will not stop speaking against that because I feel he owes Zambians an explanation on these matters."

Sata said it was shocking that the government was willing to spend millions of dollars on President Banda's trips while neglecting to pay the farmers for their maize.

"When I raise issues about his frequent travels both locally and abroad, it's not out malice but concern. For instance, are you aware that between January and September this year, which is approximately 273 days, Rupiah has only been in State House for about 170 days and the remaining 103 days he has spent them out of State House? That is on both local and foreign travels," Sata said.

"I can boldly say that Rupiah's numerous, aimless and unproductive travels are a reflection of his playboy culture. Rupiah must desist from his travels and save the country's resources. And this culture of endless travels is neither UNIP nor MMD; it's his own. He has embraced a playboy culture; he wants to behave like a Hollywood actor by visiting destinations of his choice and liking world over. And this country is going to pay dearly over Rupiah's playboy culture."

Sata further gave a breakdown of President Banda's travels between January and September 2010.

"Probably let me present my argument with facts to show the nation that my criticism of our dear President's trips are not from without but are based on facts.

The travels made by Rupiah month by month from January to September are as follows; in January he had five foreign trips and one local, February he had four local trips and one foreign, March he was away on two foreign trips and one local, April he made five trips all of them local and in May, he had one foreign trip and three local," Sata said.

"In June, he further made four foreign trips and one local, July he made two foreign trips and two local, August he made three foreign trips and five local and in September he went out on two foreign trips and three local.

His trip to China included a stopover in Dubai for two days to and from China. That's why I am saying in about 273 days, Rupiah has only been in State House for 170 days and spent 103 days out of State House. I challenge them to dispute these facts above."

He said President Banda should strive to manage the affairs of the country in an honest manner.

"You look at how the fight against corruption has been reduced to a mere song. Surely, is Rupiah telling me that if I remind him that he is driving us in a wrong direction, then that amounts to an insult?" Sata asked.

"What is clear now is that His Excellency President Rupiah Bwezani ‘Kamwendo Munjila’ Banda is the commander-in-chief of thieves and criminals. We are aware that thieving senior government officials are now just being reshuffled to other ministries once it's discovered that they are engaged in corrupt activities."

He urged President Banda not to be hypocritical.

"They have been inciting their so-called militia to threaten people within MMD with death but he now wants to pretend that they have been infiltrated," Sata said.

"He thinks people are gullible. The only reason Rupiah spoke against the militia that threatened to kill Enoch Kavindele is because he knew that he was going to Northwestern Province where Kavindele comes from. So he wanted to look good even though he was aware of those militia groups that are causing havoc in his party."

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