
Saturday, October 16, 2010

(NEWZIMBABWE) Malema urges SA support for Zanu PF

Malema urges SA support for Zanu PF
by Staff Reporters
15/10/2010 00:00:00

JULIUS Malema says the South African government must revise its policies on Zimbabwe and strengthen President Robert Mugabe’s hand in the “fight against imperialism, neo colonialism and exploitation”.

The outspoken president of the African National Congress’s Youth League vowed to campaign for “economic freedom” in his lifetime, charging that South Africa’s mineral riches were not benefitting the poor.

Speaking at a meeting of the World Federation of Young Youths in Pretoria on Friday, Malema said while the “outstanding generation” of liberation heroes like Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu and Oliver Tambo had brought “political freedom”, today’s generation must draw inspiration “to fight for economic freedom in our lifetime”.

Spotlighting Mugabe’s "progressive" black empowerment drive targeting foreign ownership of mines and land resources as just in Zimbabwe, Malema said South Africa should take similar steps to create a fair society.

Malema said: “Economic freedom in our lifetime means that we are now engaged in an openly anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist struggle to transfer wealth from the minority to the majority. This includes our call for nationalisation of mines.

“South Africa is the richest country in the world with regards to mineral resources, yet the most unequal in the world.

“Our people continue to live in poverty and starvation, whilst beneath the soil of South Africa is massive wealth which should be redirected to benefit all our people.”

The ANC Youth League will use the World Festival for Youth and Students “to call for a more progressive international perspective and foreign policy from the South African government”, Malema said.

He added: “Our foreign policy cannot be about pleasing the interests of imperialists at the expense of progressive forces.

“Our position on Zimbabwe should be revised and a policy that seeks to strengthen the national liberation movement in Zimbabwe be adopted.

“Our relationship with national liberation movements such as Zanu PF cannot be just defined by how we relate with them in the past, but what they do in the current period to fight against imperialism, neo colonialism and exploitation.”

Malema's open backing for Mugabe's Zanu PF party has previously attracted disciplinary action from the ANC which said his views compromised President Jacob Zuma's mediation efforts in South Africa's northern neighbour.

[That's not true. Julius Malema has never been disciplined for 'openly backing' the ZANU-PF. - MrK]

In February last year, Mugabe agreed to share power with oppostion rivals Morgan Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara, now Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister respectively, following disputed elections. But the unity government is weighed down by constant bickering between the coalition partners, jeopardising efforts to revive the economy and restore social services.

President Zuma has been called on to step in several times over the last year to smoothe the differences.

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