
Saturday, October 16, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Bennett faces perjury charges

Bennett faces perjury charges
By: TH
Posted: Saturday, October 16, 2010 4:39 am

MDC-T treasurer Mr Roy Bennett could face perjury charges for allegedly giving a “false address” in his warned and cautioned statement in his terrorism docket. While Mr Bennett was acquitted of the terror charges, it has emerged that he could have lied about his address.

The alleged false address has made it difficult for the Deputy Sheriff to serve him with papers in another case in which he is being sued by a High Court judge. Justice Chinembiri Bhunu says Mr Bennett defamed him when he allegedly told a UK paper that the judge was prejudiced against him in the terror trial.

Justice Bhunu wants US$1 million from Mr Bennett for the “distasteful remarks”.

The judge’s lawyer, Mr George Chikumbirike, yesterday said they had not been able to serve Mr Bennett with the summons because the MDC-T treasurer could not be located.

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He said the lawyers who represented Mr Bennett in the terror case, Mtetwa and Nyambirai, had asked for a copy of the summons but refused to accept them.

“We decided to abandon that route and sent summons to the Deputy Sheriff for service at an address Mr Bennett gave when police recorded a warned and cautioned statement from him in the terrorism case.

“The Deputy Sheriff — in his retainer of service — said he could not locate Number 4 Burnley Road in Workington, Harare,” he said.

Workington is an industrial area.

“It would mean it (that he lives at the address) was a deliberate lie for reasons best known to him.

“We are actually still trying to serve summons not actually knowing his correct address,” he added.

Mr Chikumbirike said the other address Mr Bennett used was in South Africa.

Chief Law Officer Mr Chris Mutangadura yesterday said indications were the Workington address was false, but was not aware if he amended it when he was granted bail in the terror case.

“If he did not, he committed a crime,” he said.

According to case number HC 6724/10, Justice Bhunu is demanding damages for remarks The Guardian attributed to Mr Bennett on May 24, 2010.

The politician allegedly said justice delivery was selective and “the very judge that is trying me is the owner of a farm that he’s been given through political patronage”.

Justice Bhunu says the remarks “were intended to convey and be understood by the readers of The Guardian newspaper to mean that the plaintiff was not a fit and proper person to be a judge of this honourable court and to preside over the trial of the defendant in that:

“Plaintiff was deliberately selected to preside over the defendant’s trial by persons that will stop at absolutely nothing to achieve their ends by a selective application of the rule of law.”

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