
Friday, October 22, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) I'm not returning to Zimbabwe, says Bennett

I'm not returning to Zimbabwe, says Bennett
By: Floyd Nkomo
Posted: Friday, October 22, 2010 4:12 am

MDC-T treasurer-general and financier Roy Bennett said Thursday that he has decided to return to South Africa fearing what he called judicial persecution by President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF party.

In an exclusive interview with Voice of America radio, Bennettt said he would not serve any purpose as the treasurer-general of the MDC-T by sitting in a jail in Zimbabwe "with my passport taken away me". He added that he was wary of further judicial actions against him.

"Sadly, it looks at this stage that I will not be going back to Zimbabwe. I'll re-establish myself in South Africa," said Bennett.

Bennett added: "I will travel the world. I will highlight these issues. I will put them on the table and bring as much pressure as one can ... on Zanu-PF."

Article continues below

Bennett had gonbe into hiding for three weeks and the State was failing to issue him with a summons over a defamation suit.

He faces a US$1 million civil suit filed by High Court Judge Chinembiri Bhunu, who discharged Bennett over his criminal case, for alleged defamation in an interview Bennett gave to Britain's Guardian newspaper.

Bennett was quoted as saying he did not expect to be acquitted because of Bhunu allegedly had benefited from the land reform programme.

Judge Bhunu said Bennett's remarks implied he was “not a fit and proper person ... to preside over the defendant’s trial.”

Lawyer George Chikumbirike, representing Bhunu, said the defamation suit is not politically motivated, but is simply a matter of his client taking action to defend his professional reputation.

The State had indicated that it would serve the summons through the media as Bennett had lied to the court about his residence in Harare, and had disappeared.

Bennett first sought political asylum in South Africa in 2006 after he was charged of plotting to assassinate President Mugabe.

Bennett was convicted in 2004 for punching Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa in the House of Assembly over a land reform debate in the august House. The Justice Minister had told Bennett that his forefathers had stolen land from blacks during colonial times.

He spent time at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison in 2004-2005.

Bennett was arrested again in February 2009 upon returning to Zimbabwe after 2008 elections as there was a warrant of arrest for him.

He was named deputy minister of agriculture, but President Mugabe has refused to swear him in, saying his case was still before the courts.

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