
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) White farmer shoots Zimbabwean man in S.Africa

White farmer shoots Zimbabwean man in S.Africa
By: Sapa-TZG
Posted: Wednesday, October 6, 2010 4:20 am

A MAN appeared before the Groblersdal Magistrates’ Court yesterday on allegations of killing a Zimbabwean farm worker for allegedly playing loud music, Limpopo police have confirmed.

In statement, officer-in-charge of Limpopo police Colonel Mohale Ramatsebain said the firearm used was unlicensed.

"It was alleged that the suspect who was the supervisor of the farm workers shot and killed the farm worker with an unlicensed firearm, on Sunday night," said Lieut-Col Ramatseba.

The suspect, Bertus Honeyball (30) from Tirrit Boerdery, is due to appear in court on November 8 after the case was postponed for further investigation.

On Sunday Honeyball allegedly shot Zimbabwean national Edward Vindi (31) in the head at Vaalfontein Farm — apparently for playing loud music.

The victim was with his colleagues listening to music, when Honeyball allegedly warned them that they were playing their music too loudly, Lieut-Col Ramatseba said.

"The suspect apparently came back again with a rifle and shot the victim in the head and the victim died instantly," said Lieut-Col Ramatseba.

Honeyball was facing charges of murder and of being in possession of an unlicensed firearm. He was granted R3 000 bail.

There are a number of cases in which farmers in South Africa shoot and kill their workers and in mitigation they argue that they "mistook them for wild animals mainly pigs".

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