
Thursday, October 21, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zanu-PF regional leader 'murdered' in Byo

Zanu-PF regional leader 'murdered' in Byo
Posted: Thursday, October 21, 2010 9:53 am

THE Zanu-PF chairman for Manyano district in Bulawayo’s Pumula South has been found dead in what his family and party suspect is a politically motivated murder. Fourty-seven year old Maneru Ncube who lived in Lower Rangemore was found dead on early Thursday morning in a bushy area a few metres from the Bulawayo Provincial Heroes’ Acre.

A family spokesperson who refused to be named for fear of victimisation, told Chronicle newspaper that they believed it was politically motivated.

“The circumstances surrounding his death raise a lot of suspicions and as a family, we are shocked and grieved by what has happened,” he said.

“Maneru was in good health and had spent the whole day at home. He left home on Wednesday in the late hours of the day intending to sell his goods in Nkulumane.

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“To our surprise, he did not come back that day and we were still tracing his whereabouts the following day, only to be told that his body had been found in the bush across the road adjacent to the heroes’ acre.

“We went to the scene and found the body lying facing upwards with blood all over and there was a deep cut at the back of the head and we suspect that his assassins used a sharp object to kill him.

“We reported the matter to the police and the body was taken to Bulawayo Central Police Station.”

According to the family, Ncube had a misunderstanding with a member of MDC-T (name supplied) over a piece of land that he was using.

The MDC-T member allegedly wanted to turn the land into a playground.

“Three months ago, he had a quarrel with the MDC-T member over the land that he cultivated. The MDC-T member wanted to grab the land and turn it to a playground,” said the family member.

“Since then the relationship between the two became sour as the MDC-T member boldly stated that he hates people from Zanu-PF.

“From that time Ncube told the family that his life was in danger and revealed that the MDC-T member had threatened that nxa amaelections ebuya sifuna lina bantu beZanu libe selishotile. (When elections come some Zanu-PF cadres should have been eliminated).”

Meanwhile, Zanu-PF officials in Bulawayo held a meeting on Monday afternoon to discuss Ncube’s death.

“We are shocked and grieved by Ncube’s mysterious death,” said Zebediah Bafana, the party chairperson for District Co-ordinating Committee 2.

“As a party, we feel pained that Ncube died this way barely a week after receiving threats from MDC-T officials. This act of violence cannot be tolerated, more so in an inclusive Government.

“As a party we are not going to rest and keep quiet about this issue and we will not tolerate such violent behaviour.”

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