
Sunday, October 31, 2010

(STICKY) US to spend $275m on health in Zambia

COMMENT - Remember, this is from the same individuals who believe there are 'too many people' in Africa. At various times during the 20th century, they have been close to (Kenya, Zimbabwe) or actually carried out genocide of African people (DRC, Namibia), just as they committed genocide against Native American people. They are not to be trusted, and and lackeys who evangelize their ideas are selling out their own people. Beware. Remember that Population Control is still on the agenda of for instance the Rockefellers, who have a family fortune bigger than the US's GDP. Big enough to direct US foreign policy and direct public opinion.

US to spend $275m on health in Zambia
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Sun 31 Oct. 2010, 04:01 CAT

THE US government will spend US$ 275 million towards health programmes in Zambia. And Eastern Province medical officer Dr Kennedy Malama has said the province had higher HIV prevalence in urban than rural areas.

Launching the male circumcision programme in Chipata on Wednesday, United States Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella said the US government had committed itself to the health of the people because Zambia had shown leadership in fighting diseases.

Ambassador Storella said there was need for concerted efforts in the fight against HIV and AIDS. He said HIV/AIDS could not be fought through treatment alone but by using some preventive measures.

[Like mass circumcision? Ka-ching. MrK]

Ambassador Storella said male circumcision reduced the risk of HIV infection in men by as much as 60 per cent.

[Garbage. None knows that for certain. Come back when you have a cure for HIV infection. Otherwise, keep your psycho schemes at home. MrK]

He said the government of Zambia hoped to increase male circumcision from 10,000 in 2009 to 100,000 in 2010 and to 300,000 in the year 2014.

And Dr Malama, who was represented by provincial coordinator for HIV/AIDS prevention Brenda Masta, said HIV prevalence was very high in the urban and peri urban areas, with more women infected than men.

“As a province, we remain committed in promoting the universal access to HIV prevention, care, support and treatment. This is being achieved through the committed partnerships involving the government structures, civil society and the private sector,” said Dr Malama.

He commended the US government for the continued support in ensuring that the government fulfills its mandate as contained in the National HIV/AIDS Strategic Framework, the National Health Strategic Plan and the Male Circumcision Strategy and implementation plan of 2010 to 2020.

Dr Malama said the male circumcision in the HIV prevention package was relatively new to Zambia and Eastern Province in particular.

"Despite all the interventions at our disposal in the HIV programme, we are alive to the fact that there is no single magic bullet to managing the pandemic. The evidence we have is that we need combined prevention strategies for us to effectively prevent HIV infection,” said Dr Malama.

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