
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

CSPR urges FRA to find alternative maize storage

CSPR urges FRA to find alternative maize storage
By George Zulu
Wed 24 Nov. 2010, 04:00 CAT

CSPR has urged the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) to swiftly find alternative maize storage facilities across the country before this year’s crop goes to waste.

In an interview, Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) vice-chairperson Partner Siabutuba said FRA would face challenges in maintaining the bumper harvest recorded from the 2009/2010 farming season if it did not consider finding alternative storage facilities.

Siabutuba said with the onset of the rainy season, it was clear that the widely talked about maize bumper harvest would go to waste because a lot of maize in most areas of the country was not covered.

“This is the confusion FRA finds itself in; we are boasting about the bumper harvest but we have failed to manage it. The rain has started and I am sure that in some places it has already been socked. Let them find alternative storage rather than letting the maize go to waste,” Siabutuba said.

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