
Sunday, November 07, 2010

Eastern Province party elections divide MMD

Eastern Province party elections divide MMD
By George Chellah
Sun 07 Nov. 2010, 04:03 CAT

PARTY elections have left the MMD in Eastern Province divided. Well-placed sources within the provincial executive committee yesterday disclosed the problems the party was facing in the region.

“In terms of party organisation and leadership, we have serious challenges here. And our provincial chairman Kennedy Zulu has caused all these divisions in the party due to the manner in which he conducted party elections as well as the way he is running the party,” the sources revealed.

“The party has managed to hold just a semblance of elections in all districts except Chadiza and Nyimba. We say semblance because the elections were not democratic and they didn't meet party guidelines. Kennedy was literally filling positions with his own people under the pretext of elections.”

The sources disclosed that Zulu had been planting his own people in most district executives to enable him sail through once the provincial conference is held.

“And it's these manouevres that have left the party in the province divided. For instance, even in the provincial executive committee, Kennedy only works with the chairlady Martha Mulenga and the provincial secretary Ezekiel Mtonga. As for the rest, we are not regarded as part of the executive even though we are bonafide provincial officials,” the sources said.

The sources said the party in the province risked losing some loyal members and sympathisers to the opposition Patriotic Front.

“Since Kennedy wants to run the party here like his own construction company, people are saying that they will vote but they will not assist in campaigning for President Rupiah Banda in the province. A good number of our members have vowed that they will let Kennedy campaign alone since he doesn't listen to anyone,” the sources said.

“People are bitter with Kennedy because it seems he is untouchable and no one can even dare to take him on simply because he is the President's blue-eyed boy. Actually, Kennedy himself even boasts that 'It's only the President who talks to me and no one else.' We have tried to raise these issues with senior party officials in Lusaka but it appears they are all afraid of Kennedy because of his close links with the President.”

The sources urged President Banda to moderate Zulu.

“Our advice to the President is that if they don't manage Kennedy well, this party will not perform as expected in the forthcoming general elections. It’s not a secret that PF is breaking new ground here in Eastern Province and internal squabbles being created by Kennedy may lead to failure in certain districts. This region is the President's stronghold and one expects the President to outdo PF next year,” the sources said.

“But with the way things are going, President Banda here is not guaranteed of a landslide victory. Sata and PF's performance might improve if Kennedy is left to do as he pleases because people are frustrated. The fact of the matter is that PF has seriously penetrated areas like Chama North, Chama South and Nyimba. Even Todd Chilembo, Boniface Nkhata and Forrie Tembo who are the MPs in these areas know that there are problems in their constituencies.”

But Zulu said in any election there were always people that complain.

“Of course, they will recover from their losses. I don't expect everyone to be happy because we all have different interests. I know there are people who feel the elections didn't go their way. That's why we say 'Olila siamugwila pakamwa' meaning don't stop one who is crying. Let them remove all the emotions,” he said.

He denied dividing the party.

“We have done elections in seven districts. In Nyimba, we did elections already and we are waiting for Chadiza. We delayed in Chadiza because of funding problems,” he said.

When asked about his decision to sideline other provincial leaders, Zulu said: “Even the President, who is close to him? It's the Vice-President. So even in the province you work with the closest.”

He also said as MMD provincial chairman, he was senior to the provincial minister. “It’s not that I am close to H.E. His Excellency the President. Every provincial chair is close to H.E. because the President works through the chairman. The provincial chair is senior to the minister. When the President is visiting, it's the provincial chairman that receives him, then the minister. That's why the provincial chair is an ex-officio of the NEC,” he said.

Zulu said he has delivered to the people's expectations.

“We Eastern Province have delivered a President, won two parliamentary by-elections and nine wards across the province,” said Zulu.

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