
Sunday, November 07, 2010

'Govt to amend constitution in line with NCC recommendations'

'Govt to amend constitution in line with NCC recommendations'
By Ernest Chanda
Sat 06 Nov. 2010, 04:00 CAT

VICE-PRESIDENT George Kunda has disclosed that the government has drafted a bill that seeks to make necessary amendments to the constitution in line with the recommendations of the National Constitutional Conference (NCC).

Responding to a question from Mapatizya UPND parliamentarian Ackson Sejani during the Vice-President's question time who wanted to know if the country would have a new constitution before the 2011 general election, Vice-President Kunda who could not be categorical on the matter said there were many things to take into consideration.

"I have answered that question before. The matter is being presented before Cabinet. We have to be very careful because it involves issues with a lot of financial implications. For example, we proposed in the NCC that there should be 280 members of parliament," said Vice-President Kunda. "So we have to consider the chamber those members of parliament will be using; is it to extend this one or to build a new one? There is also the new Court of Appeal. So, in the next few days we should be able to discuss this thing. We have crafted the particular bill and we will make amendments as advised by the NCC."

And later debating the 2011 estimates of expenditure for the Ministry of Local Government and Housing, Mazabuka UPND parliamentarian Gary Nkombo called on the government to abolish the Zambia National Marketeers Association (ZANAMA).

Nkombo contended that ZANAMA has been mutilating the law and abusing the rights of marketeers across the country.

"ZANAMA remains the wing of MMD and championing the cause of MMD. And if this organisation continues to exist, they are going to incite people to bring anarchy. They are mutilating the law by purporting to have the power to change laws of this country," debated Nkombo. "When they came to Mazabuka I chased them. I told them that there is no place for anarchy here in Mazabuka. ZANAMA is a very bad organisation. It is a terrible organisation which must be disbanded forthwith."
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