
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

(HERALD) Bennett’s comments laughable

Bennett’s comments laughable

EDITOR — I laughed my heart out when I read what this ex-Rhodesian Selous Scout Roy Bennett was saying. He said the rule of President Mugabe was coming to an end while addressing an audience which cared to listen in his adopted exile in Johannesburg.

What doom prophecy! I dismissed him as a bitter and disgruntled man who is still licking the wounds of being denied a post in the inclusive Government. Bennett is dreaming of his party (Mad Diseased Cow) winning the polls and him and his ex-Rhodesians scattered in Britain, Australia and South Africa coming back.

He knows he is a fugitive from the law and cannot risk arrest by coming back.

That is why he is waxing lyrical.

He claims to have a strong constituency.

A strong black constituency of farm labourers, which was brainwashed by Bennett and other white farmers by giving them beans, kapenta fish and buckets of maize for their labour in lieu of wages — people stuck with a colonial mentality that says a white man is a good man.

He never gave them an opportunity to make money for themselves, but for himself.

Those who worked for him, some of them benefited from the land reform programme and are smiling all the way to the bank.

They can tell Bennett to go to hell with his imperialist ideas.

Things have changed and no one would want to be a farm labourer again for Bennett.

His Senate victory in 2008 was by default.

So, whether Bennett likes it or not, MDC-T will never rule this country.

Campion wekwaMereki.


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