
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

(HERALD) Hats off to New African magazine

Hats off to New African magazine

EDITOR — This week, I bought my Nove-mber issue of the New African magazine.

It was a pleasant surprise to see that not only is it their 500th issue, but that it is also a celebration issue and a collector’s edition.

It is a gem! The mere fact that this pan-African magazine has published for the past 44 years is good news.

This celebratory issue is full of reflections and tributes by Africa’s newsmakers — Kenneth Kaunda, Nelson Mandela, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, John Kufour, Thabo Mbeki and Kofi Annan to name but a few.

One of their reflection pieces is an interview they had with President Robert Mugabe in July 1977.

Thirty-three years on the piece is an eye-opener! Makes the reader understand why the MDC-T wanted to be in charge of the security forces.

We congratulate New African and their personnel for being steadfast in the manner they tell the African narrative.

We hope that the next 44 years will give them the opportunity to tell Africa’s story even more boldly.

However, this is an appeal to book/magazine distributors and sellers.

When Zimbabwe used to struggle to get foreign exchange to import magazines like New African, Time, Newsweek and other authoritative publications, they were easily available and were in bookstores on time.

It is not the same right now. Foreign currency is now used to import magazines that do not add value and content to human intellect. Such publications also improve people’s reading habits. But, it is difficult to access them.

Once again — congratulations!

Nomagugu M’simang.


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