
Monday, November 29, 2010

Kristafor notes ills in public procurement

Kristafor notes ills in public procurement
By Sandra Lombe in Livingstone
Mon 29 Nov. 2010, 04:00 CAT

SOUTHERN Province permanent secretary Gladys Kristafor says that there are challenges faced in as far as the structure and composition of procurement committees are concerned. Kristafor said on Friday that most institutions had challenges of capacity and human resources in public procurement.

At the close of the five-day workshop on procurement of goods, services and works organized by the Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) under the auspices of public expenditure management and financial accountability programme at New Fairmount Hotel, Kristafor commended ZPPA for ensuring that each province had a crop of adequately trained procurement personnel.

She said the new Act had come with some unique features aimed at promoting effectiveness and efficiency and also to promote transparency and accountability in the public procurement system.

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