
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kunda is unfit to hold office - Sata

Kunda is unfit to hold office - Sata
By George Chellah and Patson Chilemba
Sun 14 Nov. 2010, 04:02 CAT

MICHAEL Sata yesterday said Vice-President George Kunda is treacherous, unreasonable and unfit to hold office. And Sata cautioned President Rupiah Banda to be careful with Vice-President Kunda because he is a professional betrayer with no sense of shame.

Commenting on Vice-President Kunda’s remark that he does not regret taking Frederick Chiluba’s corruption cases because he was acting on instructions from the Levy Mwanawasa government, Sata said there is something that is seriously wrong with Vice-President Kunda’s perception of leadership and its demands.

“George Kunda has shown that he is treacherous, unreasonable, unreliable and unfit to hold the office of Vice-President. He is not fit to hold office, he is so unreliable and we as citizens can’t trust him. He has the capacity to shift positions even when the consequences of doing so are embarrassing to the country,” Sata said.

“With this childish approach to leadership, which foreign government will ever take their stance on the fight against corruption seriously? They are on a self destructive path and they should blame themselves for that. In fact, my advice to Rupiah is that George Kunda’s behaviour should be a source of worry and not excitement for him. If Kunda can do this to Mwanawasa, what can prevent him from doing the same to Rupiah?

“Rupiah must be concerned with Kunda’s conduct. Kunda is a professional betrayer with no sense of shame. Even Chiluba, let him not be excited because already Kunda has shown that he cannot be trusted. We will not be surprised to see Kunda championing the cause of taking chiluba back to court if there is a change of government and he happens to find himself in that government. This conduct should actually worry people like Chiluba and Rupiah who seem to have so much faith in this man, who is in fact a disaster.”

He said what mattered to George Kunda was maintaining his job first, and the rest of the things were secondary as it was now very clear that he could even do wrong things in the name of the government.

“If that is something he did under instructions, where is his personal integrity as a lawyer? Is he going to be working like a robot? If Rupiah Banda says ‘remove abuse of office’, and he removes and says ‘he doesn’t regret’. So how can we rely on him because he is a lawyer?” Sata asked.

“He has no conscience. He is a professional mercenary who is only there to earn a living.”

Sata said the statement from Vice-President Kunda should send a clear message to President Banda because he would be disowned once he was out of office.

He said the sentiments from Vice-President Kunda showed that he never believed in what he was doing, but was merely working on instructions.

Sata said this was the reason why Vice-President Kunda was quick to disown late president Levy Mwanawasa’s graft fight immediately he died, because he was working on things he did not believe in.

He described Vice-President Kunda as a muselela kwakaba, who was only there to do what his master pleased.

“We doubt what advice he gives to Rupiah Banda and what advice he gave to Levy Mwanawasa. Tomorrow he is going to say he doesn’t regret what advice he gave to Rupiah Banda,” said Sata.

Responding to Siavonga UPND member of parliament Douglas Syakalima’s question on whether he regrets having taken Chiluba’s corruption cases to the London High, Vice-President Kunda said he had no regrets.

Vice-President Kunda said he was acting for the government and took the cases to the London High Court on behalf of the Zambian public.

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