
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kunda’s constitution will be of limited legitimacy - Inonge

Kunda’s constitution will be of limited legitimacy - Inonge
By George Chellah
Tue 30 Nov. 2010, 04:02 CAT

VICE-PRESIDENT George Kunda's proposed constitution will be a document of very limited legitimacy and without authority, says Inonge Wina. In an interview yesterday, Wina, who is PF national chairperson, said Zambia's history had been dogged by chronic instability in constitution making.

"This is a recipe for conflict in a multiparty democracy. It creates a lot of dissatisfaction among people. People feel this is not their constitution and it’s not part of them," Wina said. "George Kunda's new proposed constitution will unfortunately be a document of very limited legitimacy and will therefore lack authority."

Wina said the amendments to the 1996 constitution announced by Vice-President Kunda fell far short of the people's expectations. She said Zambians wanted the new constitution to address substantive issues such as the Bill of Rights and other fundamental freedoms.

Wina said Zambians were also concerned about the performance of members of parliament hence their submission that non-performing parliamentarians must be recalled.

"People brought about issues of crossing the floor, that it's bringing a lot of by-elections. The issue of the 50 per cent plus one presidential requirement and indeed many fine recommendations from the Mung'omba Constitution Review Commission (CRC), which include matters of gender equality and all these have been left out," she said.

Wina wondered how long Zambia would continue being a nation that specialises in aborting constitution-making initiatives.

She said the current administration had yet again demonstrated its disdain for people's aspirations by ignoring their recommendations. Wina said the government was set to alienate Zambians from the state and its institutions.

"That's why my strong conviction is that this country needs a government that will listen and respect people's aspirations, a government capable of providing a stable solution to the challenges of constitution making," Wina said. "Above all, a government that will create a conducive environment for a much broader consensus. Otherwise, we will continue making piece-meal amendments regarding a very important law of the land and which every subsidiary law of the country depends on."

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