
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lubinda cautions defence minister

Lubinda cautions defence minister
By Florence Bupe
Thu 18 Nov. 2010, 12:01 CAT

GIVEN Lubinda says defence minister Kalombo Mwansa was asking Zambians to be happy with the removal of the abuse of office clause from the ACC Act with his “tongue in cheek.”

In an interview, PF spokesperson Lubinda said Dr Mwansa had no choice but to defend the doctrines of the ruling MMD to which he belongs. However, Lubinda warned that Dr Mwansa should also be ready to account for his statement before the Zambian people.

“Dr Mwansa is obviously saying that with tongue in cheek. I don’t expect him to say anything else and go against the declarations of his regime,” said Lubinda who is also Kabwata parliamentarian.

“Even when the Bill was being debated in Parliament, Dr Mwansa was among those who chose to remain silent. However, when time for reckoning comes, not all who are in government will get away with it.”

Lubinda warned that those in the government today would be forced to defend themselves and held accountable by the Zambian people who were concerned about the management of public resources.

“Those who are orchestrating for the removal of such an important piece of legislation will have to compensate Zambians for their decision. Society will judge them harshly,” said Lubinda.

Parliament recently voted for the removal of the abuse of office clause from the Anti Corruption Commission Act.

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