
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Magande questions Kunda’s professional integrity

Magande questions Kunda’s professional integrity
By Patson Chilemba
Tue 16 Nov. 2010, 04:01 CAT

NG’ANDU Magande yesterday questioned Vice-President George Kunda’s professional integrity for saying he did not regret taking Frederick Chiluba to the London Court because he was merely following instructions.

In an interview, Magande, who is former finance minister and immediate past Chilanga member of parliament, wondered how a lawyer could work on the legal instructions he did not believe in.

“Obviously in a Ministry like where honourable Kunda was (justice minister), there is quite some professionalism there because there is a lot of interpretation of laws and rules that will bring about law and order in the country. And therefore one can’t really say ‘I was just obeying the instructions’,” Magande said. “I think that will weaken one’s background as a professional.”

Magande said some instructions could be given without prior background and it was up to those who received those instructions to professionally analyse them.

“That is what brings about the integrity of your advice as a professional that people will believe you, that once honourable Magande says ‘inflation will be in this direction, we are going to trust him because he will take action to achieve that level of inflation’,” Magande said.

“Once then you start saying ‘no, I told you inflation will be like this, but you know I only said it because I was instructed by my boss’, you lose credibility. Because really if that is what he said that anytime he can change because he works under instructions, I think he was sacrificing his professional integrity.”

Magande said Vice-President Kunda should state if he had received contrary instructions from President Banda to the ones he received earlier from late president Levy Mwanawasa.

He said Vice-President Kunda had distanced himself from the Chiluba prosecution because he had taken advantage of the void left by president Mwanawasa’s death.

Magande said Vice-President Kunda was under an illusion that other people could not judge his actions since president Mwanawasa was no longer there.

He wondered if Vice-President Kunda believed in collective responsibility.

“The two president Mwanawasa and Kunda are responsible collectively. Now since the other person is not there, you change positions! That doesn’t show personal integrity,” Magande said.

“He is taking advantage of the void left by Mwanawasa to say what he is saying. Now because he is not there, you say ‘no, because that time I was merely following instructions’. People will ask ‘what else did you do which you didn’t believe in’?”

Magande said Vice-President Kunda should have shown the same courage he was showing now in distancing himself from the Chiluba prosecutions when president Mwanawasa was still alive.

Responding to Siavonga UPND member of parliament Douglas Syakalima’s question on whether he regrets having taken Chiluba’s corruption cases to the London High, Vice-President Kunda said he had no regrets.

Vice-President Kunda said he was acting for the government and took the cases to the London High Court on behalf of the Zambian public.

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