
Thursday, November 25, 2010

‘MMD has failed to fight corruption’

‘MMD has failed to fight corruption’
By George Zulu
Thu 25 Nov. 2010, 04:00 CAT

TILYENJI Kaunda says the MMD government has lamentably failed to fight corruption. In an interview, Tilyenji, the UNIP president, said it was disappointing that the MMD leaders had not shown commitment in the fight against corruption and abuse of office in the country.

Tilyenji said the MMD had failed to spell out its clear position on how it planned to fight corruption and abuse of office- related offences.

“This government and its entire leadership is facing challenges of credibility when it comes to the question of fighting corruption. It is not one person but the entire leadership,” Tilyenji said.

“Look at what has happened to the offence of abuse of office in the ACC Act. It has been removed, it is now Father Christmas for everyone to loot.”

He said it was disappointing that the MMD was in the forefront celebrating the removal of the law that added efficiency and credibility to the fight against graft in public office.

“This is how low this government can be, celebrating corruption and abuse of office at the expense of addressing issues of poverty, health, unemployment and economic development,” he said.

Tilyenji said those holding public office must be accountable to the people.
He said anything that government leaders had done in their individual capacity or as public officers would never be buried.

“This government knows its weakness in the fight against corruption and it is wrong to remove the law on abuse of office. It is sad and Vice-President George Kunda should not be defensive.”

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