
Monday, November 01, 2010

(MnG, AFP) Diamond watchdog debates Zim mine 'abuses'

COMMENT - Why is it that both and the Mail and Guardian in South Africa have such a cordial relationship with the AFP. They are just reprinting their articles. Anyway... it is obvious that the Kimberley Process is just another tool in the attempt to maintain an economic blockade of Zimbabwe, which could and should be exporting $1bn worth of diamonds every month - with government ownership, and no hanky panky the MMD does.

Diamond watchdog debates Zim mine 'abuses'
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL Nov 01 2010 16:57

Members of the Kimberley Process diamond watchdog began talks in Jerusalem on Monday over whether to allow Zimbabwe to resume exports of the gemstone from its controversial Marange fields.

The organisation, which is meant to ensure diamonds are "conflict free", suspended its certification of the Marange fields last year, over claims of forced labour and torture at the gem mines.

But it agreed in July to allow Zimbabwe to export two shipments of diamonds if Kimberley Process monitors were given access to the Marange fields.

"The Zimbabwe issue is still not resolved, hopefully they will reach a decision this time," said Sharon Gefen, spokesperson for the Israeli Diamond Industry, which is hosting the meeting in Jerusalem.

"Over the last month, they sent one new fact-finding mission to see if everything was in accordance with the Kimberley Process, and they will present their findings this week," she told Agence France-Presse.

Ahead of the meeting, Human Rights Watch called on the organisation to ban all diamond exports from Zimbabwe "until the government makes clear progress in ending abuses and smuggling".

The New York-based rights group said research carried out between July and September showed large parts of the Marange fields remained under the control of Zimbabwe's military, which was smuggling diamonds and abusing local workers.

"The government made a lot of promises, but soldiers still control most diamond fields and are involved in illicit mining and smuggling," HRW Africa director Rona Peligal said in a statement.

"Zimbabwe should mine its diamonds without relying on an abusive military that preys on the local population."

The meeting, which brings together about 300 delegates from 75 countries, is expected to announce a decision on Thursday afternoon. -- AFP

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