
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

MP accuses national leaders of allowing Chinese’s misdeeds

COMMENT - K450,000 is $90 per month. Don't let anyone every argue for foreign ownership of the mines because 'they're bringing jobs'. Any government which cannot create jobs that pay more than $90 per month needs to step aside. Resign.

MP accuses national leaders of allowing Chinese’s misdeeds
By Kabanda Chulu in Kitwe
Wed 17 Nov. 2010, 04:00 CAT

NKANA parliamentarian Davies Mwila says the Chinese investors disregard Zambian labour laws with the blessings of the government. Mwila, the PF chairperson for labour, questioned Southern Province minister Elijah Muchima’s involvement in the negotiations for salary packages for Collum Coal Mine workers.

Last Sunday, Muchima met management at the Chinese-owned Collum Coal Mine in Sinazongwe and negotiated for salaries and conditions of service. According to the new conditions, the lowest paid miner will receive K450,000 per month.

But Mwila said Muchima’s role amounted to total interference in the bargaining process because only unions and management were allowed to negotiate according to the labour Act.

He said the government, through the labour ministry, could only intervene if a dispute arose.

“The Zambian people have complained about the attitude of Chinese mining investors who have refused to sign recognition agreements with unions such as MUZ and they prefer to negotiate with government officials,” Mwila said. “Anyway, this is why the Chinese are disregarding Zambian laws with impunity since they have blessings from the MMD government hence Muchima going to negotiate on behalf of workers.”

He said Muchima’s involvement in the matter was suspicious.

“The MMD should keep away and leave everything to the unions and if those Chinese are genuine mining investors why can’t government compel them to negotiate with unions? Even at Sino Metals, NFCA, it is the same situation for the workers and for how long will government negotiate, taking over the role of unions?” asked Mwila. “But one thing which is clear is that the Chinese at Collum Coal Mine are dealing direct with the MMD government to pay for their misdeeds alleged shooting at the mines and the MMD will ask for a favour later.”

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