
Sunday, November 28, 2010

MP cautions MMD over lack of development in W/Province

MP cautions MMD over lack of development in W/Province
By Florence Bupe
Sun 28 Nov. 2010, 04:00 CAT

LUAMPA parliamentarian Mwiya Limata says the people of Western Province will not welcome the MMD government because they have been neglected.

Contributing to the debate on the estimates of revenue and expenditure for Western Province, Limata told Parliament that the province had been denied development for a long time.

“The people of Western Province are tired and disappointed with the MMD. They will chase you MMD from the province because you are not looking after them,” Limata said.

She complained that farmers in the province had been left out from the farmer input support programme because the government had concentrated on maize.
She said the majority of farmers in Western Province engaged in cassava and rice production, which the government did not support as much as maize.

Limata doubted the government’s ability to deliver on its promises to rehabilitate roads in the province such as the Mongu-Kalabo Road.

“We are aware that money has been allocated for works on the Mongu-Kalabo Road, but we doubt if the money will come through. There are any projects that government has been promising to fund but up to now we haven’t seen the money. Where’s the money?” Limata asked.

And debating the estimates of revenue and expenditure for Lusaka Province, Chongwe member of parliament Sylvia Masebo advised the government to ensure that funds were made available for road works.

She warned that the ruling MMD risked losing popularity if key projects like road works were neglected.

“The implementation of road works by this government is a disaster, and I have always warned my colleagues that this issue of roads will eat us up. Clearly, we are not being serious with our work,” said Masebo.

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